How to get Story Keys in Genshin Impact .

If you ever want to take a break from the main Genshin Impact story, or farm endless resources and materials, you can always do story missions or the new Hangouts events introduced in the settings. However, to do this, you will need to get Story Keys. Here’s how to get Story Keys in Genshin Impact .

Get Story Keys at Genshin Impact

Story missions generally only require one key to unlock. However, the game’s four new Hangouts events are much more extensive, each with different endings to unlock and huge rewards to claim, requiring two keys. Because of this, it will take a little while for you to get enough keys to be able to unlock all Hangouts events.

At the time of writing, there is only one known way to earn Story Keys on Genshin Impact and that is by purchasing Daily Commissions. Specifically, you must complete a total of eight daily commissions to unlock a key. This means that you will need at least two days to unlock it.

Once you’ve completed eight commissions, open your journal by pressing the J key, then click on the Story Quest option in the lower-left corner. In the menu, click the Claim button in the lower right corner to claim your available history keys.

There are only four Hangouts events available at the time of writing, but players can probably expect more to be added to the game in the future. With that in mind, it’s probably a good idea to keep asking for keys as long as you can.

Note that you can only have three keys at a time, so be sure to use them to unlock missions and events as you get them so they don’t stay in your inventory.

This is all you need to know about how to get story keys in Genshin Impact . Be sure to check out our wiki guide for more tips and information on the game.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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