How to get notified when webcam is activated in Windows 10

How to get notified when webcam is activated in Windows 10.The webcam has been a fundamental tool in the past months and, in many ways, its use will continue to accompany us for a long time. But it is still an open “window” inside our homes, so we might like the idea of ​​having more control, for example through a notification when the webcam is activated.

How to get notified when webcam is activated in Windows 10

To receive notifications when your webcam is activated in Windows 10, you can use a combination of system settings and third-party applications. Here are some steps to help you set this up:

1. Check Windows Camera Privacy Settings

  • Go to Start > Settings > Privacy.
  • Click on Camera.
  • Ensure that the Camera access for this device is turned on.
  • Below, you’ll see a list of apps that can use the camera. Here, you can manage which apps are allowed to access the webcam.

2. Use Security Software with Webcam Protection

  • Some antivirus or security software offers webcam protection features. These programs can notify you when any application tries to access your webcam.
  • Examples include Kaspersky, Bitdefender, and Norton. Check their settings to enable webcam protection.

3. Use Dedicated Webcam Monitoring Software

  • There are third-party tools specifically designed to monitor webcam usage and notify you when it’s activated. Software like ‘Webcam On-Off’ or ‘Who Stalks My Cam’ can be useful.
  • After installation, configure the settings to get notifications.

4. Task Manager

  • You can also manually check which applications are currently using your webcam through Task Manager.
  • Open Task Manager and look for applications that might use a webcam. This won’t notify you but can be used for periodic checks.

5. Hardware Indicators

  • Most webcams have an LED that lights up when the camera is active. This is a hardware feature and can be a simple visual indicator of webcam use.

6. Regular System and Security Updates

  • Keep your system and security software up to date to protect against unauthorized access to your webcam.

7. Be Cautious with Browser Permissions

  • When using web browsers, be cautious about granting webcam access to websites. Regularly check browser settings and permissions.


  • Regularly Review App Permissions: Occasionally review which applications have access to your webcam.
  • Educate Yourself About Phishing and Malware: Sometimes, unauthorized webcam access is due to malware. Understanding how to avoid phishing and malicious software can help protect your privacy.

Remember, while software solutions can notify you of webcam usage, maintaining good digital hygiene and being cautious about the permissions you grant to applications and websites are key to protecting your privacy.

How to turn on Webcam enabled notification in Windows 10

The led light that tells us if the webcam is on or off is a reliable tool.
However, it is often positioned off the screen, so it is very likely that if we are focused on what we are doing, we may not pay particular attention to its switching on or off.

Precisely for this reason Windows 10 has a notification system that makes an icon appear directly on the screen. These notifications, called OSD (On-Screen Display – OSD), could be the best solution to grab our attention .

How to enable webcam power on and off notifications on Windows 10

The Windows 10 default settings do not provide on-screen notification for turning the webcam on or off.

There is, however, a way to activate them: just follow these simple steps.

First of all, we move to the search bar that we find at the bottom left of the screen. Here we type Registry Editor and click Enter .

Once the editor is open, click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE .

From the pop-up menu that will come out, click on SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ OEM \ Device \ Capture in order .

At this point, we double click on NoPhysicalCameraLED to open a window and here we insert the value 1 inside the fillable field.

Click “OK” and close the registry editor; done this, we restart the system .

Put simply, at the moment the only way to activate this feature is to “trick” Windows into believing that our webcam does not have a physical LED and therefore a different type of notification is required.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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