Learn how to get components in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and upgrade your suits and gadgets for a more enhanced gameplay experience. There are many, many things to unlock in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, but they won’t be cheap . Well, not expensive either. There is no money in the game, but rather a series of items that we obtain based on the missions and secondary objectives that we complete. We have components (they would be the little grey icon you see below), rare components (the yellow one), city tiles (blue) and hero tiles (red).
Thanks to these objects we will have the option to create and improve gadgets , we will be able to increase the health, damage, concentration and traversal speed of the suit , and we will even allow ourselves the pleasure of unlocking new suits and styles (color variations for them).
If you’re on track to 100% Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and get the Platinum Trophy (our trophy guide is here ), don’t worry, because that means doing all the secondary quests and completing all the districts . This will give you more than enough components and tokens to buy as much as you like. However, if you’re looking for a specific item / material to unlock something in particular, here’s how to get them all , including hero tokens and rare components.
How to get components in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?
- Stopping crimes (if you do the bonus objectives, you’ll earn even more).
- Fulfilling the 6 requests of the TAYVSM (Your Friend and Neighbor Spider-Man) application.
- Completing the 9 EMF experiments (Emily May Foundation).
- Finding the 42 Spider-Bots.
- Surpassing the 11 Hunters’ Hideouts.
- Opening the supply boxes scattered around New York.
How to get city tokens in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?
- Discovering Marko’s (Sandman) 14 memories.
- Doing the 23 photo sessions.
- Completing Brooklyn Visions requests (6 missions).
How to get rare items in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?
- Uncovering Prowler’s 8 caches.
- Completing the 9 EMF experiments (Emily May Foundation).
- Surpassing the 11 Hunters’ Hideouts.
- Catching the 8 unidentified targets (the robotic birds).
- Achieving one third of each district’s progress (this is the first reward).
How to get hero tokens in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?
- Following the secondary missions of The Flame (there are 4).
- Raiding the 4 Hunter bases (you need to make the hideouts first).
- Saving the Museum of Culture (2 missions).
- Beating all the tests of the Mysteriums (10).
- Clearing symbiote nests (there are 10 others as well).
- Achieving 100% progression in a district (this is the third reward).