How to get and access my SIM card data on Android and iPhone

That small element that we do not usually pay attention to, called the SIM card, is one of the elementary aspects for the operation of the basic tools of mobile phones. In it you will save information of interest that will be used for the optimal operation of the phone. The data they contain is truly valuable, so recovering it is a priority when you want to extract data from a damaged cell phone.

The technological world is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the elements of physical use for mobiles may be affected along the way, such is the case of virtual SIM cards for mobiles , which are neglecting the tangible aspects of this element, or the prevailing need to know how to cut a SIM card in MicroSIM or nano in a simple way.

Making it clear that the changes are visible and tangible. Saving contacts on the SIM card will not be the only action that is executed with respect to the storage and content within them. And it will be proven, since we will break down how to obtain and access the data of the SIM card on Android and iPhone .

Procedure for accessing the data on the SIM card, from Android

Some mobile telephones insert an application to the cell phones that are offered in their facilities, leaving easy and clear access to the information that the SIM card will contain , once assigned to the client, through an Android device.

To access the application, we only have to know how to locate it, within the device menu, which is usually titled with the eponymous “my SIM”, “my Chip” or it can be presented with the name of the mobile company that issues the SIM card or business the Android device. So to obtain and access the data , you just have to click on it.

If this element is not present, we will access the information , from the mobile. For this we go to “settings”. We refer to the space below, in the section “about the device”.

In that space, we will click on the “status” section, there then you will see another section with the title “SIM status” where you can obtain and access the data of the SIM card.

Procedure for accessing the data on the SIM card, from iPhone

From the iPhone interface, access to the information of the SIM cards and their additions within the device will be more basic and direct. For such purposes, you only have to go to the settings menu. There you must enter “phone” and then click on the “SIM applications” section. 

What is the data contained in the SIM cards?

In a direct aspect, the main data that the SIM card will contain will be the one referred to the number assigned by a mobile phone, in order to have access to its services. But this will not be the only thing that it will contain, it is true that the storage capacity of the SIM cards is limited, but this does not prevent saving information of interest to their owners.

Such information is linked to elements such as telephone contacts, numbers of interest that are kept to protect the owners and help them in cases of urgency or lack, such as local emergency numbers, or internal services of mobile phone companies to those that the SIM card may be subscribed to.

However, there are little analyzed elements of the information that SIM cards contain, and many times it is intended to access the data of the SIM cards , with sordid purposes. For this reason, it is important that owners know how to obtain and access their data, whether on Android or iPhone.

One of those little-analyzed elements will be the linking or synchronization of financial or banking information on mobile phones, by means of SIM cards. From there emanates much of the concern of telephones, and individuals, in keeping the data on SIM cards , safe from any setback. Therefore, these types of aspects cannot be reviewed directly. But another, generals, yes.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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