How to get a set of Blood Dragon in Far Cry 6

The fresh Far Cry 6 has a nice kit for fans of the Blood Dragon spin-off . Learn how to get it and what it includes in this guide.

How to get the Blood Dragon set

In order for the set to appear in the game, you must acquire the Season Pass for Far Cry 6 (included in the Gold Edition and Ultimate Edition). Yes, you will have to pay for these items (in principle, this is already a common thing for Ubisoft games). At the same time, in order to equip new items, you will first have to go through the introductory chapter of the game.

You can get content by completing the “Rebel” mission . In fact, this is a plot task immediately after the end of training and the opening of the exit from the island on which the tutorial takes place. The task will be given to you as soon as you get to the new area (Archipelago Zamok). The quest itself is quite simple and quickly completed.

After the end of the mission, the items themselves will be added to your inventory.

What’s included in the “Blood Dragon” set

  1. A set of clothing (Cyber ​​Eye, Cyber ​​Commands, Cyber ​​Jacket, Cyber ​​Boots and Cyber ​​Bracers), in which each item provides a unique buff.
  2. Cobracon sniper rifle with a powerful futuristic sight and built-in explosive damage ability that can shatter bulletproof glass.
  3. AJM 9 auto-pistol with armor-piercing rounds and a silencer.
  4. Companion K-9000 is an analogue of the robot from Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon with a unique perk and unlockable skills.
  5. Omega Fighter vehicle.
  6. Keychain “Death Star”.
  7. Figurine for the Blood Dragon vehicle.
by Abdullah Sam
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