How to flip an image on a laptop screen

It often happens that due to accidental keystrokes of the computer the monitor turns over or it is more convenient for you to show something in the turned over condition. Very few people know how to draw a screen on a laptop, and many more users have encountered this accidental problem. There is nothing complicated about this, and you can put everything back in its place in three ways:

  • A combination of keys on the keyboard;
  • Through the settings in the control panel;
  • Through the control panel of your laptop’s graphics driver.

The easiest way for users is to completely disable the reversal feature

It is very easy to expand the image with a combination of hot keys. Just press Ctrl + Alt + any of the arrows on the keyboard together. Each of the arrows is responsible for different turns of the screen:

  • Down – turns upside down;
  • Up – returns to the standard position;
  • To the right – turns at right angles to the right;
  • Left – flips at right angles to the left.

You can turn off Quick Access so you don’t accidentally flip the picture over. To do this, just right-click on the desktop and select “Graphics Options” in the list, then go to “Keyboard Shortcuts” and select “Disable”. All. Now you can not worry that something will happen due to accidental clicks.

If the model of your laptop is quite old, and a new version of the Windows operating system is installed, then this method may not work. If this is the case for you, go to the next method.

For computers with Nvidia graphics:

Right-click on the desktop and select “Open NVIDIA Control Panel”

Next you need to go to “Display”, where you will find the tab “Rotate the display”. There you can adjust the rotation of the image by clicking on the arrows showing the direction of rotation.

For AMD Radeon

Here you also need to go to the control panel of the video card, and then to the “Display Manager”. There are all the necessary settings.

If you have an Intel video card, it can also be built-in if you have a video card from NVIDIA or AMD, you need to right-click on the desktop and go to Graphics Options, then Rotation and there to select the angle.

The next way is to expand the image using the built-in Windows tools. To do this, go to the Computer Control Panel, where you need to go to “Screen”, then “Adjust screen settings”. Expand the display by selecting the orientation type from the list.

With these simple steps, you can easily control the rotation of your laptop screen. Share your opinion on whether this article was useful to you, write in the comments how you coped, and whether you had any difficulties in solving this problem.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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