How to fix WiFi connection problems with your PS4 and PS5

Many users find themselves with Internet connection problems with their PlayStation 4 and PS5 , which is really frustrating, especially when it comes to downloading game updates or if you are one of those who like to play with others. on-line. The truth is that we can avoid some problems if we connect our PlayStation through an Ethernet cable to our router, but if you have no other option than to connect through WiFi, we are going to show you how to solve WiFi connection problems with your PS4 and PS5.

Steps to follow to fix connection problems

The first step would be something quite obvious, but the truth is that it can get us out of many doubts about what is the real problem with the connection between our PlayStation and the WiFi. It is about bringing the PS4 or PS5 as close as possible to the router and checking if the connection improves, is more stable and offers us higher speed.

On some occasions, slow connection speeds through WiFi can be caused by certain interferences, especially if we use a 2.4 GHz band of our router. If this is your case, one of the solutions you have is to turn off other video game consoles that you have at home, computers or any device that is connected to the same WiFi or that you think may interfere with it, such as a microwave, to give you an example.

Create a guest WiFi network

The most modern models of the PS4 and the PS5 can be connected to the 5 GHz bands (although sometimes it gives the same problem) which is much more stable than the 2.4 GHz. If you have no choice but to connect with the latter and you still have problems, you can always solve it with a trick that is to create a WiFi network for guests in our router , being the one we use to connect.

To achieve this we must follow these simple steps:

  • We access the router configuration through the gateway, by typing in our browser . This is normally the case, although it may be that your router enters through another direction.
  • At that moment, it will ask us for the username and password which, if you have not modified them, in the vast majority of the time it is admin in both cases.
  • Now we must go to the menu where we control the Wireless connectivity (WiFi network).
  • When we are we will see the SSID of our network and the maximum number of clients that can use the connection simultaneously. In a normal network it is best for this number to be wide, but in this network for guests we better limit it, yes, to the taste of each one.
  • Then we must search for Guest WiFi / Virtual Access Point to create a second access point for the local network.
  • Also, the SSID must be different and with different password and IP assignments .

In this way we get the guests to connect to our WiFi network limiting the bandwidth they use and we manage to solve the connection problem of the PlayStation in many cases.

Add the PS4 or Ps5 to the router’s DMZ

A certain configuration of the ports of our router can also affect that our connection between the PlayStation and the WiFi connection at home is not the best possible. On the one hand, PlayStation Network makes use of certain ports, while each game can use different ones. Therefore, to avoid having to be checking if we have all the necessary ports open and the possible risks, one option is to add our PS4 or Ps5 to the router’s DMZ . In this way we can connect directly to the Internet from the game console without ports or configurations.

To achieve this we must have certain information about our console such as the IP address and the MAC . To see both numbers we must go to the connection status of our PlayStation, where we will have the required data.

Now that we know this data, we must enter the DMZ configuration of our router as follows:

  • We type in our browser again and then we will be able to use the username and password .
  • Now we must look for the DMZ section that is usually near another called NAT or open ports.
  • Once we have located the DMZ, all we have to do is enter the IP or MAC of the PS4 / PS5 and everything will be ready.
  • Then we must restart the router , so that, once the PlayStation is turned on again, it is already connected to the network within this DMZ.

Something that we can do auxiliary is to open ports to the PlayStation so as not to have any problem opening the DMZ in the router.

  • To do this, we must re-access the router as we have already indicated previously.
  • Depending on the router, we can find the Open ports option that is usually in one of the NAT, Virtual Server or Port Forwarding menus .
  • Now that we are in the menu to open ports where we must put a service name (whatever we want).
  • Then we must indicate if we use TCP, UDP or BOTH protocols .
  • Now we must open the External Port , normally with marking it is ok.
  • Optionally we can also modify the Internal Port . This is done if the router configures it as the same as the External Port.
  • In Internal IP Address we must enter the IP address of the destination computer, that is, of the PlayStation.
  • In External IP Address we can put the source IP address, to achieve more security when connecting. This is an option that, if you have a router set as an operator, will almost certainly not work.

This can be used in general for any router, although there are so many on the market, it would be impossible to put all the existing menus. If you rely on this data, you can open the ports without problem.

With all that we have explained, you should no longer have any more problems connecting your PS4 or Ps5 with the WiFi of your router. In any case, we maintain that the best option is always the connection of the Sony console via cable, which will prevent you from having any problems of this type.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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