How to fix the missing default option for Power Plans and CsEnabled?

Problem: How to fix the missing default option for Power Plans and CsEnabled?

Hey I do not know what to do. The power plans have disappeared from my PC after updating Windows 10. The power plans do not exist and the CsEnabled key no longer exists either. The message I receive. I can’t find normal options there either. Can I get them back? How can I fix this missing options problem? Help!

Resolved answer


  • How to fix the disappearance of the default Power Plans and the CsEnabled option
  • Restore missing Power Plans via Command Prompt
  • Restore particular power plans
  • Create an Energy Plan
  • Check Power Plan settings to fix missing Power Plans and CsEnabled option
  • Power Troubleshooter
  • Edit the registry to fix the missing Power Plans and the CsEnabled option
  • Prevent websites, ISPs and other parties from tracking you
  • Recover your lost files quickly
  • About the Author


To repair the damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage .

These default Power Plans and CsEnabled options are system settings that manage the power usage of the computer. Meeting hardware and system preferences helps your computer save power, maximize performance, and strike a balance between proper performance and power used. However, users declare that some options like this disappear, and any power setting cannot be modified or found.

The default Power Plans and disappearing CsEnabled options create frustration and change a lot for many people. Users trust these plans and can usually find these options in the settings. People declare that only the selected plan – balanced can be found after a particular Windows update. Various issues with settings or applications can be triggered by the update.

Typically Power Plans and the CsEnabled option have more options. The savings plan – the one that reduces the performance to save energy, Balanced and High Performance – the one that increases the brightness of the screen and increases the performance, are the options that can be found by default. According to people who complain about this problem, after updating the operating system, there are only two options available. The problem may be caused by a system corruption or a failed update that was recently installed.

Modified registry entries and other tweaked files or settings can cause Power Plans and CsEnabled or different power options to disappear. These are problems that can be caused by unwanted applications or even cyber infections. You can fix these default Power Plans and the CsEnabled option by modifying these settings and even altering the Windows registry.

How to fix the disappearance of the default Power Plans and the CsEnabled option


To repair the damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage .

It is possible to fix the default Power Plans and the CsEnabled option that disappear. It is not advisable to change any crucial settings or even files on the computer, system folders that can damage the computer without needing your knowledge. You can go back to a previous update to get rid of the problem. It is a possible solution to the problem to run Reimageto repair altered or corrupted system files. Suppose the affected parts in the system folders or Windows registry keys trigger problems in the system. You can run this program as the first step to troubleshoot the problem. Once the necessary files are repaired or replaced and the problem still persists, you can go to the steps below that show the manual solutions.

Restore missing Power Plans via Command Prompt


To repair the damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage .

  • Go to the Command Prompt bysearching for it through Windows search.
  • Make sure to Run as Administrator .
  • Type the command powercfg -restoredefaultschemesand hit
  • Close the window when the process is complete.

Restore particular power plans


To repair the damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage .

  • Open Command Prompt.
  • To recover Energy Saver usage: exe -duplicatescheme a1841308-3541-4fab-bc81-f71556f20b4a
  • To recover the High Performance plan: exe -duplicatescheme 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c; exe -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61
  • To retrieve the Balanced plan: exe -duplicatescheme 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e.

Create an Energy Plan


To repair the damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage .

  • Press the Windowskey and R at the same time to open the Run window .
  • Click on Create Power Planon the left panel.
  • Choose a type of power plan and click Next.
  • Select particular settings for the plan.
  • Click Create.


  • Right click on Startand go to Power Options .
  • Choose Additional Power Settingsin Related Settings .
  • Choose Create a power plan.
  • Click on High performance.
  • Select all settings.
  • Click Create.

Check Power Plan settings to fix missing Power Plans and CsEnabled option


To repair the damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage .

  • Go to Settings.
  • Choose Systemand then Power and Sleep Options .
  • Check your plans under Additional Power Settingsor Related Settings .

Power Troubleshooter


To repair the damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage .

  • Write problem solverin search.
  • .
  • Choose Energyand go to Advanced .
  • Choose Run the troubleshooter.
  • Click Nextand follow the process.

Edit the registry to fix the missing Power Plans and the CsEnabled option


To repair the damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage .

  • Right-click on Start and select Run.
  • Type regedit and hit Enter.
  • Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Power
  • On the right, find the CsEnabledkey and click on it.
  • Choose modify.
  • Change the value from 1 to 0.
  • Reboot.
  • Check the Power Plans.

Fix your Errors automatically

The team is trying to do everything possible to help users find the best solutions to eliminate their errors. If you don’t want to bother with manual repair techniques, please use the automatic programs. All recommended products have been tested and approved by our professionals. The tools you can use to fix your error are listed below.



repair software

Compatible with Microsoft Windows

Do you still have problems?
If you have failed to fix your error using Reimage, contact our support team so they can help you. Please give us all the details that you think we should know about your problem.

Reimage – a specialized proprietary Windows repair program. It will diagnose your damaged PC. It will check for all System Files, DLLs and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats. This proprietary repair process uses a database of 25 million components that can replace any damaged or lost files on the user’s computer. To repair the damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of the Reimage malware removal  tool .

Prevent websites, ISPs and other parties from tracking you

To remain completely anonymous and prevent ISP and government from spying on  you , you should use Private Internet Access VPN  . It will allow you to connect to the internet being completely anonymous, encrypting all the information, preventing trackers, advertisements, as well as malicious content. Most importantly, you will stop illegal activities that the NSA and other government institutions carry out without your consent.

Recover your lost files quickly

Unforeseen circumstances can occur at any time while you are using your computer: it could be due to a power outage, a blue screen of death (BSoD) or because random Windows updates can restart your computer when you are away for a few minutes. As a result, school work, your important documents and other data can be lost. To  get back  your lost files, you can use Data Recovery Pro – it searches through the copies of the files that are still available on your hard drive and recovers them easily.