How to fix on PlayStation 5 the error ‘CE-113524-6’

PlayStation consoles have been among the most popular for years and the new PlayStation 5 console was no exception. However, there is an error that has been happening a lot lately, we refer to the CE-113524-6 error that does not allow you to view account information and other pages. Next, you will know why this error occurs and how to solve it.

Index( )

  1. Why does error CE-113524-6 occur on PlayStation 5?
  2. How can you remove error CE-113524-6 on your PS5 quickly?
    1. restart your console
    2. Check that PlayStation Network works
    3. Change your Wifi network to a 5 gigahertz connection
    4. Modify the DNS configuration
    5. Use an Ethernet cable
    6. Reboot the router and move it closer
    7. Open TCP (80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480) and UDP (3478, 3479,4915265535) ports

Why does error CE-113524-6 occur on PlayStation 5?

This error can occur for various reasons and usually appears when trying to connect to the PlayStation 5 servers or even when playing a game online. The error is rendered when the message ‘Connection to server has timed out’ is displayed on the screen.

How can you remove error CE-113524-6 on your PS5 quickly?

There are several methods to remove this error from your PlayStation5. If one method does not work for you, try another and continue like this, sooner or later the error should disappear from your PS5. Although the following methods can be a bit tedious, they are necessary to be able to play without problems.

restart your console

It sounds silly, but many times rebooting electronic devices is good for debugging , something that is often true from phones to computers to consoles. Although not always, many times the errors are simply due to a bad start or a failure on the part of the device that is being used.

Check that PlayStation Network works

Sometimes the PlayStation Network service is suspended either for maintenance or due to an error or crash . Check on the official PlayStation Network Status page .

In case the service is down or is undergoing maintenance, simply wait a while until they restore it and that’s it. And if the problem persists even though the service is active try what we show below.

Change your Wifi network to a 5 gigahertz connection

By using a 5 gigahertz network you will be able to take full advantage and potential of the network connection on your PS5. Doing this will allow you a higher speed, but unfortunately you will have to give up some network coverage.

In addition to this, you can also try putting a fixed ip address on your ps5 , however, the first thing is to connect to the 5 GHz network, as follows.

  • Open the settings on your PS5 while logged in.
  • Look for the network option and select it.
  • Search to set up internet connection.
  • Once you have analyzed all the networks, select the network that is used and the options.
  • A menu will appear where you will have to look for the ‘ Frequency bands ‘ option and check the 5 GHz box.

Modify the DNS configuration

DNS is not very well known, but it is useful to improve the performance of the console if you configure it properly. The syllables DNS stand for Domain Name System and are used to connect to specific IP addresses. Of course, you have to know how to differentiate between public and private DNS servers

To change the DNS servers it will be necessary to select the Wi-Fi network to which you are connected and press ‘Advanced configuration’. Then you will have to change the DNS settings manually. You need to know which DNS you will use, for example Google’s is and/or

Use an Ethernet cable

Ethernet cables is one of the technologies that, despite being many years old, prevails, but without a doubt it is one of the most useful in terms of speed.

If you wonder what an ethernet cable is for, you should know that in short, these cables allow you to connect to the internet wired . By doing this you get a more stable connection and even in certain cases faster. Certainly you can get the error to stop when connecting to an Ethernet cable.

Reboot the router and move it closer

Sometimes the router can present failures when it has been on for a long time, the easiest way to fix this is simply by restarting.

Either way, it can also affect being too far away from your console. In fact, errors like ‘CE-113524-6’ can appear due to bad signal. That is why restarting and moving the router as close as possible to your PlayStation5 can solve these types of errors.

Open TCP (80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480) and UDP (3478, 3479,4915265535) ports

TCP ports and UDP ports are protocols with different purposes . TCPs are used to resend packet segments when there are data losses, while UDP ports allow packets to be sent through networks with which connections have not been established before (It is recommended to open TCP 80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480 and UDPs 3478, 3479, 49152, 65535)

In order to open a port, either TCP or UDP, it is necessary to access the router. Once you have accessed it you will have to look for the NAT, Virtual server or Forwarding option depending on the router and once there you have to select the option of the ports that are going to be opened.

As we pointed out, each port does one thing, for example, TCP port 443 is used to browse the web with HTTP protocol, which is a secure protocol , but there are other options that you can also try, everything is a matter of testing.