How to Fix “Missing msvcp100.dll” Error

Learn how to fix the “Missing msvcp100.dll” error on your Windows computer with these simple and effective troubleshooting steps.

Sometimes Windows users encounter the inability to launch an application due to the absence of the msvcp100.dll file. You will learn how to solve the problem from our material.


  1. Why does the msvcp100.dll file error occur?
  2. How to fix msvcp100.dll error

This problem is usually associated with the absence of this file or its damage. msvcp100.dll is part of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable and is necessary for the operation of applications developed using Visual C++. Users of unlicensed software, especially so-called “repacks”, often encounter this error.

Typically, multiple versions of Visual C++ Redistributable are installed on a computer because the requirements of different programs may differ. For example, one requires Redistributable 2010, while another requires 2015. These packages are compatible with each other and can be installed side by side.

How to Fix “Missing msvcp100.dll” Error.

There are two main ways to fix this error: downloading the Microsoft Visual C++ library or the msvcp100.dll file itself.

  • Follow the link to the official Microsoft website;
  • Download the required version depending on the bit depth of your system;
  • Select a location to save the file;
  • Once downloaded, run the file and follow the on-screen instructions.

Download msvcp100.dll directly

msvcp100.dll can be found on a number of portals, but downloading it directly is not the best idea. You can always run into a virus disguised as a system file. Therefore, we do not provide links to specific portals. Use the search by requests:

  • Download msvcp100.dll x86;
  • Download msvcp100.dll x64.

x86 is for 32-bit OS and x64 is for 64-bit OS.

Once you find a site that doesn’t seem suspicious, download the file and drop it into one of the folders:

  • C:\Windows\System32 — for 32-bit OS;
  • C:\Windows\SysWOW64 – for 64-bit OS.

Sometimes a program or video game may not launch due to the msvcp100.dll error if the file is in the application folder. In this case, you just need to delete it. Curiously, there is also the opposite situation, when a program or game requires the presence of the msvcp100.dll file in the folder. Here, all that remains is to move a copy of msvcp100.dll to the root directory of the application being launche