How To Fix If Windows 11 is Running Slow

Learn how to fix if Windows 11 is running slow with these effective troubleshooting tips. Improve system performance and productivity.

In this guide I’m going to explain the best tricks for when Windows 11 is running slow. All the procedures compiled here will allow you to improve your computer’s performance , reduce loading times and enjoy a smoother user experience. It doesn’t matter if you have a powerful computer or one with fewer resources. The solutions presented here are valid for all users who want to get the most out of their computer. Don’t miss it!

Software solutions for when Windows 11 is slow

The first thing I’m going to explain to you is what settings you should change on your computer if Windows 11 is running slow . Here you’ll also find other software-related tips, such as using alternative operating systems. Everything I explain here is software-related and doesn’t involve any internal changes to your computer’s components.

Disable Windows animations and turn off transparencies

The first thing I recommend you do is turn off Windows transparency and animations. You can do this from Settings > Accessibility > Visual effects > Transparency effects .

Also, remember to turn off the Animation Effects setting . It’s true that this will make the interface more clunky and simple. In other words, Windows 11 won’t look as pretty. However, it will help improve performance, which is what it’s all about.

In addition to this procedure, I also advise you to do this:

  1. Go to the System section in the Settings app and tap About .
  2. Then, click on Advanced system settings .
  3. Finally, open the Advanced tab and click on the Settings button in the Performance section .
  4. In the new window, select the Adjust for best performance option .

If Windows 11 is running slow, remove startup apps

Startup applications in Windows 11 are those that open automatically when the computer starts up . Most of them do so to remain running in the background.

To remove startup applications, simply do this:

  1. Enter system settings with the keyboard shortcut Windows + I.
  2. Go to the Applications section .
  3. Click on Start .
  4. Disable all those you don’t need.

Close all programs running in the background

Task Manager helps you free up resources on your Windows 11 PC. How does it do this?

Well, since it has a Processes section , you will be able to see all the applications that are running in the background. Then, when you select any of them, you can press the End task button .

Don’t worry too much about closing a critical task. If it’s a system task, Task Manager probably won’t let you close it . Use this method to stop applications, especially those that are running and you’re not actively using.

Delete those applications that you do not use

Another way to improve your PC’s performance is by deleting apps you don’t use . Trust me: Windows 11 includes a ton of software you didn’t ask for.

But even if you installed them yourself, unused apps consume space on your internal drive and can run background tasks that impact performance.

Clean your hard drive of unnecessary files

A computer with low hard drive space is a computer with slow Windows 11. It’s that simple.

The good news is that your system often accumulates a lot of files and they are easy to delete. How? Just open a file explorer window and right-click on the main storage drive, which is usually C:. Then, right-click and click on Properties . Then, click on Free up space .

The disk cleaner will start up and scan all the unnecessary files. When it does, it is important that you click on the Clean up system files option . Then, the number of items you can select will increase. The last thing you need to do is press OK .

Keep your operating system up to date

Although many Windows 11 updates are applied almost automatically, taking advantage of the moments when the user turns off the computer, it is recommended that you make sure to install the new versions that are released on the market.

Remember that Windows 11 updates are available in the Windows Update section of Settings. If there are any pending updates, an Install now button will appear .

Check that you don’t have a virus

Sometimes viruses are imperceptible. Other times, not so much. And when a malicious program does its thing, there’s a good chance that performance will be greatly affected.

We have already explained whether it is better to opt for a commercial antivirus or Windows Defender . The truth is that Microsoft’s antivirus is one of the best you can currently use, and it works in the background without you realizing it. However, if you access it (remember, it is now called Windows Security ) you will be able to perform a manual analysis of your computer.

If Windows 11 is running slow, change the power mode

The Maximum Performance option allows the computer to use maximum power on the components, allowing them to work without performance limitations.

This is an option you’ll find in the Control Panel , under “Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options.” It’s also possible to change Windows’ power mode in the modern Settings app, under the Battery section . Obviously, this only appears if you have a laptop.

Use a third-party tool

Some developers have created tools that allow you to improve the performance of Windows 11 in a fairly simple way.

One of the ones we recommend is WinToys , which has a comprehensive performance section from which you can change advanced system settings. In fact, it even allows you to select the maximum performance mode that I already mentioned in the previous section or delete startup applications. In fact, this is a Swiss Army knife for configuring the system that you should try if Windows 11 is running slow.

Alternatively, I also recommend Optimizer , which is open source and allows you to tweak a few settings to make your computer run faster. While these tools include many of the same options you have in the Settings app , they also include settings that are hard to find or very hidden.

Use a static wallpaper

There are plenty of live wallpaper apps out there that we love. In fact, Windows includes a presentation mode that works really well. The problem is that this adds another process to the CPU, which is best avoided when Windows 11 is running slow.


As you can see in the image above, you can select a photo from the internal memory to use as your wallpaper. Also, in the Customize background section, you will have the Solid Color option , which changes the background to a custom color.

Whatever option you choose, it is crucial that you avoid slideshows and animated backgrounds . Whenever you change your wallpaper, always use static images, as once they have been loaded, your computer does not need to do anything else to display them.

Reset your PC

As time goes by, Windows accumulates files, programs, and registries that slow down the system. The truth is that in Windows 11 this doesn’t happen as much anymore, but it was very noticeable in previous versions.

To fix this problem and improve performance when Windows 11 is running slow, it is a good idea to reset your PC. You can do it like this:

  1. Go into settings and tap on System .
  2. Then, enter Recovery .
  3. Then click on Reset your computer .
  4. Follow the steps on the screen. The recommended settings are Remove everything and Download from cloud .
  5. Continue the procedure until the Reset button appears .

Bet on a lightweight operating system

Finally, if Windows 11 is running slow on your PC and you don’t want to or can’t upgrade your hardware, you might want to consider an alternative operating system.

Here are two recommendations:

  • ChromeOS Flex is a Google operating system based on its web browser. It is designed for older and low-resource computers. Here is a step-by-step guide to installing ChromeOS Flex .
  • Linux Mint . This is one of the Linux distributions that I like the most. It is lightweight and very similar to Windows. In fact, its installer takes up no more than 2 GB.

Hardware solutions for when Windows 11 is slow

In addition to everything I mentioned in the previous section, there are some additional things you can do if Windows 11 is running slow. If you think the hardware has something to do with it and your PC allows it, one possibility to improve performance is to change some of the main components.

It should be noted that upgrading a computer is not always possible and will largely depend on the design applied by the manufacturer. While a desktop computer offers the user a lot of freedom to upgrade components , laptops make it more difficult.

Once you have determined what elements can be changed on your computer, take a look at this list of the ones I personally recommend updating:

  • Storage drive . If your computer has a mechanical hard drive, it’s best to replace it with an SSD. These drives don’t use moving parts and are much faster. Consider that when you open a program or work on a document, the operating system reads and writes data to the storage drive. The faster it is, the better the performance.
  • RAM . There are usually two problems with RAM . First, some are very slow, especially if it’s been a long time since you bought the computer. Second, the amount of memory may be low, which prevents multitasking from being fluid. If your computer allows it, it’s best to buy faster RAM and install more space.
  • CPU . Replacing the CPU is a lot more complicated. However, it’s not impossible. In most cases, you’ll need to replace the motherboard as well. Remember that if you replace the motherboard, you’ll need to activate Windows 11 again .

If you want to know more about hardware upgrades , here are some published guides that you might find useful: