How to fix HTTP 404 not found error in WordPress

For WordPress website owners, HTTP 404 can be frustrating. If you wonder how to fix HTTP 404 not found error in WordPress easily? , then we invite you to read this article because here you will find the solution.

Learn how to fix the HTTP 404 Not Found error in WordPress with these easy and effective methods. Ensure a seamless browsing experience for your visitors and boost your website’s authority and trust.

Resolving an HTTP 404 Not Found error in WordPress can be approached systematically. Here’s a tabular guide to help you troubleshoot and fix the issue:

Step Action Details
1 Check URL Ensure the URL is typed correctly. Typos are a common cause of 404 errors.
2 Reset Permalinks Go to Settings → Permalinks in WordPress, and simply click ‘Save Changes’ to reset.
3 Update .htaccess File Access .htaccess via FTP, and add the default WordPress .htaccess rules.
4 Disable Plugins Temporarily disable all plugins to see if a plugin is causing the issue. Re-enable them one by one to identify the culprit.
5 Check for Deleted Pages Ensure the page hasn’t been deleted or moved. If it has, restore it or update links to the new page.
6 Review Theme Files Ensure the theme’s files, especially ‘single.php’ and ‘page.php,’ are not corrupted or missing.
7 Check File Permissions Ensure files and folders have the correct permissions (typically 755 for directories and 644 for files).
8 Restore from Backup If recent changes caused the issue, restore your website from a backup prior to the changes.
9 Contact Hosting Provider If you’re unable to resolve the issue, contact your web host for assistance.
10 Use Redirects for Permanently Moved Pages If a page has been permanently moved, use a plugin like ‘Redirection’ to redirect old URLs to the new ones.

Remember, it’s important to back up your website before making any significant changes, especially when editing files like .htaccess or dealing with file permissions.

What is HTTP 404 error?

Most website builders are aware of what HTTP is and what it is for . However, when the 404 error occurs through this protocol, it refers to an HTTP status code that indicates that the server could not deliver the request delivered by the web browser. Hence, you have a bad link that can be counterproductive for a website owner because traffic drops to your URL.

Why does the HTTP 404 error occur?

The HTTP 404 error can occur because the content of a website has been moved or the URL has been removed. Sometimes, the error is generated when the user enters a wrong URL, because of a wrong link or because there are internet connection problems.

Next, we explain the procedure that you must follow step by step to be able to solve the HTTP 404 error in WordPress in the simplest way.

How to fix HTTP 404 not found error in WordPress easily?

If you manage a web page in WordPress and you have observed the HTTP 404 error, we advise you to follow the following steps to solve this problem .

Create a backup of your website

First of all, it is advisable that you make a backup copy of your website in order to avoid inconvenience when editing the files. To do this, go to the “Hosting Control Panel” and prepare the backup copies of the files on the backup server. Later, download an FTP client via “Filezilla”.

Format and reset your WordPress permalinks

Sometimes the HTTP 404 error is caused by the way WordPress sets permalinks. For this reason, we advise you to format your links and restore them through the desktop.

Locate the “Settings” tab and choose “Permalinks.” Review the structure of your website at the time of reestablishing the permanent link (to return to it later) and select in “Common Settings” the option “Simple”. Then press the “Save” button. Open your page and see if the error is still showing.

Restore the .htaccess file to fix HTTP 404 error in WordPress

To restore the .htaccess file you must go to your website via FTP. To do this, you can use “Filezilla Client” . Once you are logged in as an FTP client, locate the WordPress root directory and look for the .htaccess file there. Immediately select the “View / Edit” option .

Download a copy of the .htaccess file and access it through a text editor. Select all lines of code and replace them with the following (note that each point represents a line in the code):

  • # BEGIN WordPress
  • <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  • RewriteEngine On
  • RewriteBase /
  • RewriteRule ^ index \ .php $ – [L]
  • RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -F
  • RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D
  • RewriteRule. /index.php [L]
  • </IfModule>
  • # END WordPress

Save the changes from the text editor and close this tool. Filezilla Client will ask if you want to replace the .htaccess file with the copy you just created. Click on the “OK” button Access your website again and if the problem persists, read the next step.

Disable plugins

Access the desktop and the “Plugins” menu. Select “All plugins” and click “Deactivate” (below the name of each plugin). Perform this action for each item and go to your website to check if the HTTP 404 error has disappeared. If the problem continues, reactivate the plugin and check all the others.

Disable themes to fix HTTP 404 error

If a theme is the source of the problem, you can delete themes in WordPress by accessing your website as an FTP client and looking for the public_html / wp-content folder.

You will find the directory “Themes” where you can change the name of a theme so that WordPress adopts another as default. Check if the error is gone and re-enable the old theme.

Experiencing the HTTP 404 error in WordPress can be frustrating, but it is not a problem without a solution. By refreshing permalinks, checking for broken links, setting up proper redirections, disabling conflicting plugins or themes, and scrutinizing the .htaccess file, you can overcome this obstacle with ease. Remember, a smooth website navigation contributes to a positive user experience and helps build trust with your audience. Happy troubleshooting!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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