How to fix high GPU usage issue in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous

Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous High GPU Usage – This guide will show you some possible solutions for high GPU usage or 99% GPU usage issue in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Many users are experiencing it right now. Don’t worry you’re not alone

How to fix high GPU usage issue in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous

Pathfinder 2, or the sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Wrath of the Righteous, is finally available for PC. And let’s say the version doesn’t treat all users well. The game has its fair share of glitches that developers need to address as soon as possible. I’ve already covered some bugs in my other Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous articles. Now is the time to analyze the problem of high GPU or CPU usage in the game.

Many posts have already started to appear on the game’s Steam Discussions page. And most of them are about users complaining that they get high GPU or CPU usage while gaming. Take a look at this Steam user post, you might be able to relate:

High GPU

Does anyone else get 100% GPU usage in the menu for some reason?

(For reference, I updated my graphics driver alone and it didn’t help.)

At this point, it doesn’t even surprise me, to be honest. Problems like these have become very common in gaming today. In the last three or four weeks, I have played 4-5 games with exactly the same problem. New World beta, Bless Unleashed, Back 4 Blood beta, high GPU or CPU usage in all these games. And I think I know the reason why users are experiencing high GPU usage in Wrath of the Righteous. You see, the game is based on the Unity Engine, and this problem is extremely common in games created in Unity. Now the question is, can this problem be fixed?

The solution

You can easily fix this problem by limiting the fps in the game. I have an Nvidia GPU, so I’ll show you how to do it using the Nvidia Control Panel:

  • Open the Nvidia Control Panel and select Manage 3D Settings on the left side
  • Click on the Program Settings tab
  • Add Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous from the list of programs under “Select a program to customize”:
  • The following settings should be available for the game
  • Find the ‘ MaxFrame Rate’, Turn it on and set the limit to 60fps
  • Now, find the ” CUDA – GPU” Settings, select your dedicated GPU there, if it is set to “Use Global Settings (All)” by default
  • Finally, find the “OpenGL rendering GPU” setting and select your dedicated GPU there too
  • Apply settings

You should be fine now. This should also fix the high CPU usage issue. AMD users can also do something similar to limit fps. If you continue to get high GPU usage, even after following the steps above. I suggest you lower the graphics settings of the game. Just go to your Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Graphics Settings and set Graphics Quality to Low. It should work.

Try these solutions for now and let others know in the comment section below whether or not your issue was resolved. Also, for more Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous technical guides, keep an eye on dlprivateserver. Good luck!