Although Flintlock is a great Soulslike game, the most annoying thing is when you have killed a bunch of tough enemies and the game crashes right before reaching a checkpoint. However, mid-game crashes are less frequent compared to the ones at the start. This mostly happens due to outdated graphics card drivers or overclocked hardware. Don’t worry, we will help you get rid of these problems. Crashing, Black Screen, and Freezing Issues in Flintlock The Siege of Dawn for good.
Flintlock The Siege of Dawn Crashes, Freezes and Black Screens Fix
There are several possible solutions to resolve these issues with Flintlock The Siege of Dawn. We will go through all of them in the hope of finding the solution that will help you fix the game crashing issue.
The latest GPU drivers have been released containing optimizations and tweaks for Flintlock The Siege of Dawn. It is best to update your GPU drivers to the latest ones before playing the game on PC.
To update your GPU drivers, you can download the official driver update packages from Nvidia or AMD support websites. After downloading, all you need to do is run the installer and restart your PC when the installation is complete.
However, another easy way to update drivers is through official GPU utilities like Nvidia App/GeForce Experience or AMD Radeon Software. You can simply check for updates through them and let the software choose the appropriate update file for your GPU.
Verify Flintlock The Siege of Dawn game file.
In order to run Flintlock The Siege of Dawn properly, all of the game files must be in the installation directory. In some cases, antivirus software or third-party software such as a system cleaner may remove some of the game files. When files are missing, Flintlock The Siege of Dawn will start to crash or display a black screen upon launch.
To resolve this issue quickly, we recommend verifying the integrity of the game files from the game launcher. Both Steam and Epic Games Launcher have this feature that checks the game installation directory and finds out which files are missing.
After detecting the files, it will download them. This will fix any crashes or other errors you were experiencing in the game.
Eliminate CPU overclocking and underclocking instead
Overheating has been reported to cause Flintlock The Siege of Dawn to crash or begin to freeze. Even if you don’t experience overheating in particular, overclocked hardware has also been identified as a cause of crashes during our testing.
We recommend that you remove the overclocking profile on your PC and try to launch the game. If the game runs fine, great. If not, you should try to reduce the clock speed of your CPU/GPU to prevent Flintlock The Siege of Dawn from crashing or freezing due to overvoltage.
Surely one of the two will solve your problem with the game.
Antivirus Flintlock The Siege of Dawn Whitelist
As mentioned above, antivirus is one of the main reasons why games have trouble running. However, antivirus can also restrict a game’s access to your PC’s resources. This limits the resources available for the game to run, leading to crashes, freezes, and even black screens.
The best approach here is to Add Flintlock The Siege of Dawn installation folder to your system’s antivirus exclusion list This will prevent the antivirus from interfering with the game and allow you to run it without any issues.
These were the best solutions for The Siege of Dawn Flintlock crashes, freezes, and black screen. We hope these fixes help you enjoy the game without any interruptions. We also have additional bug fix guides on Once Human crashing issue, Dungeonborne crash fix, and The First Descendant crash fix guide.