PlayStation is currently the best game console development company, it recently launched the PS5 and although it is recent, many people already have one. PS5s can present multiple problems due to game crashes , loss of important information, unexpected shutdowns, old versions of software and also unstable internet connections.
This time we will not talk about any other problem but exclusively about ” Error WS-116414-7 “. We will tell you why this error occurs, how to solve it and if there is a way to prevent this problem from occurring in the future.
Index( )
- What is the reason why the PlayStation 5 has the error WS-116414-7?
- What can you do to fix this Play Station 5 error?
- Turn off and on your WiFi
- Restart your modem
- Please try again later
- Is it possible to prevent the WS-116414-7 error from appearing on your PS5?
What is the reason why the PlayStation 5 has the error WS-116414-7?
The main and only reason why this problem could occur is due to a failure in the configuration or the connection system with the internet network . If this problem occurs and you do not know how to solve it, you can play with the console using a disc.
But if you want to download a game to save it to the console’s storage or you want to play online , you won’t be able to. Truth be told, while PS5 games are great in every way, playing online is more fun and it’s also a healthy way to share with other people.
However, it is relieved to know that the ” Error WS-116414-7 ” is only momentary and does not turn out to be as serious as other problems that you present on PS5 consoles. Soon we will show you how to solve this problem permanently. It should be noted that with the PS5, PS4 and PS3 consoles, you can log in to Netflix to watch movies or series and then log out .
What can you do to fix this Play Station 5 error?
Earlier we said that the ” Error WS-116414-7 ” is not that serious compared to other problems that the console presents. To solve it, just pay attention to each of the indications that we will give below.
Turn off and on your WiFi
The failure known as ” Error WS-116414-7 ” may be due to an error in your WiFi. To fix it you just have to remove the LAN cable that it has in the back section and in this way the connection will be re-established. Now, try to connect to the NETWORK again with your console.
Restart your modem
If you tried the above paragraph and it didn’t help, then try doing this something else. Take the charger from the router or modem and unplug it to cut off the power supply to it. Now, wait a few moments and turn on your Router or Modem again.
Using this method, “ Error WS-116414-7 ” should be able to be fixed immediately. If it doesn’t fix, then it could be that your modem is damaged or has some faults. In that case, disconnect the LAN cable from the router or modem and proceed to connect it directly to the console.
If by doing this, you can reconnect to the NETWORK, it means that the problem is the modem and you need to change it. It should be noted that if you want to download a game that is very entertaining, you can choose to download the latest version of Minecraft on your console .
Please try again later
Another thing you can do if nothing the above gave you positive results, is to turn off the console and disconnect it from the power source and try to connect it to the NETWORK later. By reconnecting it to the Network, you will be able to seamlessly access some of the PlayStation Network .
Is it possible to prevent the WS-116414-7 error from appearing on your PS5?
It is important that you know that “Error WS-116414-7” is not something that can be controlled or avoided. This type of error is one of the strangest that PS5 consoles could present and if we are to the case, this problem is more related to things like the modem or router and not directly to the console.
However, what you can do is try to ensure that every time you connect the console to a network, you do it safely. In this way, there will be no problems to connect it to the internet and proceed to use all its other features. In addition, it is also recommended that when you leave the house and do not use the internet connection, you disconnect the modem.
With this, you will extend the useful life of it and you will not have problems when playing with your PS5 console because the modem will have rested . Now, if after having solved the “Error WS-116414-7” you have another type of problem, you will have to search for information on the official PlayStation page.