How to Fix Canon i-SENSYS MF4410 Not Scanning Error

Learn how to fix Canon i-SENSYS MF4410 not scanning error with these simple troubleshooting steps. Keep your printer running smoothly with our helpful guide.

The Canon i-SENSYS MF4410 MFP combines a printer and a scanner. This is very convenient for use both in offices and at home. However, Windows 10 users often encounter the problem that the printer does not scan documents for unknown reasons. This is usually solved with a few simple steps.

The user launches the Toolbox program (a standard Canon application), presses the “Start” button, but after that the machine does not start scanning, but displays a system error message. Sometimes pressing the COPY/SCAN key on the printer itself and then selecting “remote scanner” on the monitor helps. On Windows 10 – disabling a certain service via the Task Manager (a service called WIA (Windows Image Acquisition)). But many will not like such solutions, since they greatly complicate the scanning of documents containing, for example, hundreds of pages.

Why doesn’t it work?

Why does the Canon MF4410 not scan papers? It is not the device itself that is to blame, but the software installed on the computer . Users who use the printer together with Windows 10 are mostly faced with such an MFP rebellion. On older systems, everything works fine. The standard utility from Microsoft, designed specifically for scanning, is to blame. But Canons, including the i-SENSYS MF4410, use their own software — Toolbox. As is usually the case with applications that perform the same function, Toolbox and the scanning utility conflict, which leads to the printer not working.

How to fix?

Everything is usually solved by simply disabling the unnecessary utility.

  1. Open Control Panel (“Settings” in Win 10).
  2. Find the item “Programs and Features”, then “Turn Windows features on or off”.
    1. We go to the column “Faxes and scanning” and uncheck this item.
    2. Reboot your computer.
  3. These actions usually solve the problem with i-SENSYS MF4410 and other Canon printers (MFPs) using Toolbox. And the Vuescan program also helps, which will check how the scanner works and offer its own solutions. Often, using this convenient program instead of the standard one completely solves the problem.

Third party issues

Sometimes the MFP does not work on a PC with Windows 10 for other reasons. Among them are drivers. It happens that the user, when purchasing an MFP, in our case Canon MF4410, does not install the necessary software . In theory, on modern systems it loads automatically, but in reality this does not always happen.
If this is your case, download the necessary drivers and patches yourself. The printer usually comes with a disk with drivers – you can install them from it. You can also do this through the official Canon website.

  1. We go to the website, find the downloads section there.
  2. We select our operating system (Windows 10) and its bit depth.
  3. Download the required files.
  4. We install them on our computer.

Without a driver, the printer, and especially the device that also combines a scanner, will not function at all . Therefore, if for some reason the drivers were not installed automatically, this must be done. Patches for Windows 10 fix various problems associated with conflicts of the “native” software for Canon devices.

Finally, the USB cable or defects in the printer itself may prevent the documents from being scanned properly. Try changing the cable or USB port on your PC. This may fix the problem.

As for the Windows 10 system itself, it is famous for a variety of problems after the next updates. If problems with the printer occurred after the updates, you can delete them and hope that the developers will fix this annoying error in the next ones. In the meantime, you can try using the VueScan program.

Now you know which Windows 10 system programs can prevent the Canon i-SENSYS MF4410 MFP from scanning documents. Solving this problem, like others, is not difficult if you know what the cause is.