How to find out who visits your Facebook without being your contact?

How to find out who visits your Facebook? We will talk about this in this excellent article with the intention of letting you know who will enter your Facebook profile. We will easily explain how to find out this question.

How to find out who visits your Facebook without being your contact? 

How to find out who visits your Facebook without being your contact?

In order to know who is visiting your Facebook, we need to take the following steps, which we will explain below, it is extremely important that you follow them at the bottom of the letter to reach the goal of knowing who is in charge of viewing your profile. Without the need to use any application or program to obtain this information.

Steps to find out who visits your Facebook./How to find out who visits your Facebook without being your contact?

All of the steps we give you must be done carefully with the intention of knowing who will enter your profile, because people who are not your friends may be watching your account. We’ll explain how to find out who visits your Facebook without being a friend . So let’s start with the explanation:

Log in

The first thing you need to do is enter your Facebook account from your computer, it is very important that you do this for this reason, because the steps we take cannot be done from a mobile phone. So get started by entering your username and password, once you’re in your account, go to your profile.

Enter the source code of the page

Once you are on your Facebook profile, you will need to right-click anywhere on the screen and several options will appear. You need to click where you see it and say “view source”.

Another way to do this is to press the “F12” key or use the “Control + u” combination. When you do this, a screen with a large number of codes will open. letters and numbers, what is displayed is the source code and where we can get the information we are looking for.

Search your friends list 

Here you already have the source code page open, you will have to press the “Control + F” keys and a small search box will appear. You’ll need to move the pointer over this field and you’ll need to type the word “Friends list.”

The friends list must be written specifically in lower case and without quotes, then you will have to press Enter. You need to make sure that you spell the word well, so I recommend that you do it calmly.

Copy the code you want to know

The results of the previous step to search your friends list can be seen using a list of many numeric codes in red with “-2”, for example “01234567890 -2”, if you don’t see that these codes are red, you didn’t do well. These red numbers are the profile code of your Facebook friends.

The ones that appear at the top of your list are the users who visit your profile the most or, if that’s not possible, who you’ve chatted with on Facebook Messenger. To know who the code belongs to, you must copy the number that precedes -2, ie “01234567890”.

To do this, you must right-click and give the option to copy in another way, using “Control + C” after selecting the code. Then you’ll need to go to your browser’s URL bar.

Enter the code and find out who visits you

Here you have to write the full general Facebook address followed by the user code you just copied, which will give you the right mouse button to paste so that you can paste it later, you also have the option to do so with the key “Control + V”. An example of this procedure is

When you press Enter, the page of the person you visited recently opens, you can do so with each of those on your list, and you’re likely to be very surprised to see a person you didn’t think you were. you will find there. You can also see people you’ve exchanged likes and comments with, so you have a lot of research to know who visits your Facebook page.

Advantages and disadvantages of private profiles/How to find out who visits your Facebook without being your contact?

Any account profile on any social network has the option to have it private or public, it is up to the user which of these two options to choose from. So here are some advantages and disadvantages of a private profile on your social network:


  • You have the freedom to choose who to watch and who follows you.
  • Security is what most users look for on any social network, where you can avoid trolls, spam, and fake accounts, which can be a little annoying.
  • They are most looking for privacy within their profiles.
  • This type of profile allows you to follow without having to touch, touch or comment, because you can browse anonymously.


  • If you have a private profile, you may lose opportunities because if they do, others will not have access to them.
  • For example, today social media companies have decided to run contests to apply, but you must have a public profile to access.
  • Another disadvantage is that if, for example, you have a very common name, it is possible that they will not find you anywhere because you have your private profile.
  • It can also limit the establishment of new relationships and suddenly lose new opportunities.

It can be concluded that through these steps, which we described in detail above, you can gain access to a lot of information, where you will know how to find out who visits your Facebook profile . Besides knowing who you’re sharing on this social network.

To expand on this topic to know who is following you on Facebook, we wanted to explore the pros and cons of a private profile in our account, so we’ll break it down so you can know and analyze it. And if you agree, keep applying on your social networks.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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