How to Find or View Line Number in WordPad Easily

Learn how to find or view line numbers in WordPad, a simple yet effective word processing program for Windows. Enhance your document editing experience with this handy feature.

What is WordPad?

Wordpad is a word processor with basic functions which has been included in the Windows operating system since its version 95. Although it was already known as a standalone application for Microsoft Foundation Classes before the release of Windows 95.

WordPad is considered to be less advanced than Microsoft Word for its simplicity. However, WordPad has more features than Windows Notepad. For this reason, it is highly recommended to open or convert a Wordpad document into Word to take advantage of all the tools that this processor offers.

WordPad is a default application in Windows that is used to format text in an essential way since it does not have sophisticated tools. Also, this application supports Unicode, RTF or MS-DOS format.

It is important to note that WordPad allows you to view Word documents but it is not possible to save them and they could present some formatting problems. WordPad is very useful for activating speech recognition through dictation and text editing in various languages.

How to Find or View Line Number in WordPad Easily

To view or find line numbers in WordPad, you’ll need to follow a workaround, as WordPad does not natively support line numbering. Here’s a guide in a tabular form:

Step Action Description
1 Open WordPad Launch WordPad by searching for it in the Start menu or finding it in your applications.
2 Create or Open a Document Either create a new document or open an existing document where you want to see line numbers.
3 Copy the Content Select and copy all the text from your WordPad document.
4 Open a Program with Line Numbering Open a different text editor that supports line numbering, such as Notepad++ or Microsoft Word.
5 Paste the Content Paste your copied text into the new text editor.
6 Enable Line Numbering Find the option to enable line numbering. This varies depending on the program you’re using.
7 View Line Numbers The line numbers will now be visible alongside your text in the new text editor.
8 (Optional) Copy Back to WordPad If needed, you can now copy the text back to WordPad, though the line numbers will not transfer.

This method is a workaround because WordPad itself does not offer the functionality to view line numbers directly. By using a more advanced text editor, you can achieve your goal and then return to WordPad if necessary. Remember, when you copy the text back to WordPad, the line numbers will not be included.

 Use the paragraph tool to see the line number in Wordpad

Select the full text to be able to apply changes to it. To do this, click on “Start” and choose the “Select all” option. Next, locate the “Paragraph” section and click the down arrow for the third icon that refers to “Start a list”.

A small box will appear with a set of options for creating a list . Select the third option which has a preview with numbering. Immediately, all lines in the document will have a number.

Make an adjustment after finding the line number in Wordpad

It is important to note that the number of lines could be affected if the WordPad document has multiple paragraphs. This can happen when the tool considers each paragraph to be a single line.

Also, you can get a more precise line wrap if you select the “View” tab and under “Line wrap” you choose the option “No line wrap”. This action will allow you to display each line on the left edge of the renderer, and you can add or insert page breaks in Wordpad in a similar way to how it is done in Word.

WordPad may not have all the advanced features of Microsoft Word, but it is still a valuable tool for basic word processing tasks. By learning how to find and view line numbers in WordPad, you can enhance your document editing experience and navigate through your files more efficiently. Whether you need to reference specific line numbers or want to jump to a particular line in a document, WordPad has got you covered. So, next time you’re working on a document in WordPad, don’t forget to take advantage of this useful feature to make your editing process smoother and more organized.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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