How to find and beat Loch Rhodeia from Genshin Impact

MiHoYo has substantially modified the Oceanids in Genshin Impact: search again for Loch Rhodeia and get all the rewards of the battle.

Liyue’s Oceanids were, without a doubt, one of Genshin Impact’s most tedious enemies  . MiHoYo has tried to modify them to balance them with those of other elements and where we can best see this evolution is in Loch Rhodeia, the final boss of the Wishful Drops event.

This one, which is also made of water, will test your skills and, in case you defeat it, you will be able to obtain a string of rewards that will come in handy for your adventure. Next, we will tell you how to find this final boss and the best tips to beat him in combat without costing you too much.

Loch Rhodeia, Wishful Drops final boss

To choose to fight him, the first thing you need to do is travel north of Wuwang Hill. Once there, you will have to interact with the box that is in the middle of the platform instead of advancing towards the lagoon, which will directly activate the final boss. As with the rest of  bosses , you will need 40 of original resin to claim the rewards after the battle.

Another alternative is to use the Heart of Spring to claim the rewards for daily research.

At the time of the fight, keep in mind that, unlike the original boss of the Oceanids, you will have to attack Rhodeia directly instead of the hydro elementals that he will summon during the battle. From the rival, keep these two attacks in mind:

  • Hydro Pump (will launch blasts of water that will be directed at you for a long time. It can be easily dodged if you keep moving, but if it hits you, the damage is huge)
  • Rush (will pounce on you and give you a direct hit)
  • Tail Strike (will launch three lines of water blasts that deal area damage)

Also be careful with its ultimate, the giant water pump: this will occur when Rhodeia is in the air and will end with huge gusts of water that will cost you a lot to dodge. To do this, stay in a geyser that will lift you up and make your attacks unaffected.

Once you get through the fight, you will be given a series of materials to level up: if you are looking to garnish gems or rare artifact sets (the normal thing when fighting final bosses), we do not recommend spending your resins here. Still, the rewards look very good and will help you improve some characters that you had abandoned.

by Abdullah Sam
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