How to find a silver chain bracelet in Red Dead Redemption 2

While exploring Red Dead Redemption 2, you may come across an item known as a silver chain bracelet. It is a random item that you can find while wandering through side missions and you can use it to create a rare item called the Bear Talisman. Unfortunately, while the object is a random drop, it’s hard to find, but there are some surefire ways to locate it.

You can find the item by visiting Aberdeen Pig Farm, which is located southeast of Emerald Station. You can choose to pass a cutscene with the family in this location or to kill them immediately. Both methods have the option of awarding a silver chain bracelet, and you can find this on Tammy Aberdeen’s body. It is one of the limited guaranteed drops for this item in the game.

Another place with a higher chance of finding the item is in Watson’s cabin, which is located north of the Little Creek River, within the Big Valley region. You can rob the place and, inside, you need to find a nightstand. The nightstand has the option of having the bracelet in it, and while it’s a higher chance than other locations in the game, some players have reported not receiving the item after completely robbing this location.

Once you’ve verified both of these locations, unfortunately, it’s time to rely on RNG to find it somewhere. First, you want to keep looking for jewelry boxes inside homes and carry out train robberies. Both of these methods are reliable ways to locate the item.

by Abdullah Sam
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