How to filter out transparent PNG images in “Google Images”?

When creating or designing images and texts, due to the material requirements, certain brands of Logo or Icon icons may be used. Usually, when we search in ” Google Images “, even if the image looks like it has been backed up , But after downloading it will be found that the image file is a fake PNG image with a white and gray grid in the background.

In fact, we can use a little trick of Google pictures to quickly filter and filter, so that the pictures that appear in the search results are truly transparent backgrounds, no need to remember, there will be detailed instructions below.

How to filter out transparent PNG images in “Google Images”?


Step 1. Search for pictures

First, please enter a keyword in Google, then switch to ” images “, the search results will show pictures related to the keyword.


Step 2. Filter out pictures with “transparent background”

Then, click ” Tools ” below the search box .


Then click ” color ” and change it to ” transparent “.


Step 3. Download the image

After the filtering is complete, the pictures appearing in the search results will all be PNG files with a truly transparent background. Now you can choose any picture and then right-click “Save As” to save the picture to your computer.


After opening the image file, it will be a real transparent background PNG image, and you can filter out those fake PNG images with a white and gray grid in the background.


to sum up

If you want to download a PNG image with a transparent background, you can refer to the teaching method in this article and use the “Tools” of Google Images to filter out images with a truly transparent background. I recommend it to everyone in need to try it.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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