Fight stress with these short but effective tips.We are the main cause of our stress . Often ( too often… ) we wallow in useless and harmful thoughts that do nothing but pollute our minds.
And if we go to “mess up” there well, the consequence is that our whole person will be pushed into a tunnel from which, day after day, it will be more and more difficult to get out.
Instead of furnishing tunnels that we don’t even want to visit, let’s see how to reassure ourselves through 21 strategies that we like to define infallible … because being positive is part of the “cure”!
21 strategies to fight stress
Thinking is undoubtedly the true and only source of stress: you should only think when it is constructive and necessary to do so (e.g. how much paint do I have to buy to repaint the room?), Otherwise a series of mechanisms are set in motion which – inevitably – they lead to unhappy shores.
Below you will find 21 strategies (some even seemingly very trivial) that could help you in times when you feel you have little control over your mind; some also have the purpose of “delivering” an extremely rational version of what might be going on in your mind, in order to “put a stop” to your thoughts.
- Don’t pretend that everything is fine, but at the same time don’t get overwhelmed by problems.
- Trust your instincts. If you think it’s worth “fighting”, trust yourself and move on. Nobody told you the path was going to be easy.
- Let go of unnecessary thoughts. Always ask yourself “what I’m thinking about can help me or is it burying me even more?”.
- Clearly decide what matters and what doesn’t.
- Sometimes all you need to do is take a deep breath– are you going to lose control? Are you going to answer someone badly? Breathe and inhale.
- Take care of your sanity (and we’re not kidding…). Don’t pollute your body with constant negative, overwhelming, dull and useless thoughts. Feed your mind with daily doses of positivity.
- Appreciate what’s already yours.
- Don’t always take everything personally.
- You need a lot less than you think.
- Fill your life with experiences, not things.
- Always try your hardest. Have you decided that you will study for 2 hours? Concentrate, don’t think about anything else. Nobody will give you back the time spent. Don’t waste it doing things badly and unwillingly
- Think positive. If it doesn’t come naturally to you, make an effort.
- Learn to let go of the past(including people).
- Practice humility: “Humble is he who does not judge, does not criticize, does not boast, does not despise, does not exalt himself, does not seek his own glory, does not show himself, recognizes and accepts his limitations and does not want to excel or within oneself nor outside of oneself “.
- Take small steps, abandon the sense of “urgency”.
- Try to maintain discipline: set rules and stick to them.
- Have patience: beautiful things take time.
- Love always and in any case. He loves yourself. He loves your family. He loves what you do. Love the people around you.
- Spend time with those who support you, with those who encourage you to give your best.
- Smile and move on – leave the drama behind.
- Always sleep on it, after a healthy sleep things (often) are downsized.