How to enter the Battle with the Storm (PvE) mode in fortnite chapter 3?

After the next update of season 1, chapter 3, the download window in fortnite has been changed. Players no longer have the choice of one of the three modes – Battle with the storm, Battle Royale and Creative mode. Instead, players are directly logged into the Battle Royale lobby, and many are tormented by the question – how do you enter the Battle with the Storm (PvE) mode without having that magical selection window in your hands?

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It turns out that in order to enter PvE, you need to open all the modes inside the Battle Royale and find the Battle with the Storm there. This mode will be located in the Epic Games subsection.

Open the game -> “Select Mode” -> Look for the “Storm Fight” mode -> Press “Select” -> Wait for loading /

After these simple actions, the system will let you through PvE, and then it’s up to you.

This method of entry is much more inconvenient, but as I understand it, the developers want to promote new creative maps and it is assumed that when you enter the game for the purpose of playing PvE, you will go to the Red vs. Blue map and forget about these zombies. Why kill husks when you can kill opponents? This is, of course, a joke. But you never know what the developers were actually guided by …