How to enlarge or enlarge an image without losing quality?

It seems that developers of applications and programs for both mobile devices and personal computers do not rest. This in its eagerness, to produce efficient solutions to the problems that arise almost daily. In this article we will talk about image manipulation and what we must do to  enlarge or enlarge an image without losing quality, free online.

This is a very frequent problem nowadays, due to the high demand for blog, web pages and specialized sites that require images to fill their articles. But it turns out that this seemingly easy task is not entirely easy. Unless you are a professional in the field and use specific techniques or tools for this purpose, without any problem.

On the web you can find countless applications that allow you to perform this procedure. We already taught you through a tutorial, which showed you how to download images without copyright in a very fast and effective way. But now we will teach you How to enlarge or enlarge an image without losing quality? free Online.

How to enlarge or enlarge an image without losing quality

When we are doing a job and we need to enlarge images it is very common, if we do not use the correct technique, that they do not have the quality we want. Thus damaging our graphic work, but do not worry, or feel bad. Since this is very common to happen to many users who want to maintain a blog with high quality images.

When we must include an image in an article and we see the final result, we would have liked the image to have higher dimensions. But unfortunately we could not enlarge it without losing its quality. This may be due to the fact that we do not have the necessary tool for it, we do not know the technique to use or the image we chose does not allow to be enlarged.

Maybe we are the stubborn ones, we like perfection and we use many applications like CorelDraw without getting a positive result. But in the latter case, optimal results can be obtained; but it would take a separate course to understand the use of its functions, to achieve the expected result.

SmillaEnlarge ideal for enlarging images without losing quality

On the web we can find a fabulous alternative that will allow you to Enlarge or Enlarge an Image without Losing Quality. And it is SmillaEnlarge is free, free and open source, to work it uses certain filters and specialized algorithms. This so that the images do not show the common defects, when an image is enlarged.

When you use this tool you can realize the great definition and the extraordinary quality of the image that it shows after being enlarged. But how do we use this application? You shouldn’t complicate it at all and using it can be a very simple procedure. When you have the program on your computer, you must run it.

Then you must find the image that we want to enlarge and load it, using the controls on the left side of the screen, we can manipulate the image . Here we can provide you with the new dimension and at the bottom right we find 6 filters. These with the intention of giving a final adjustment to the photo or image.

When we finish making these adjustments, we can click on the Preview option and thus see if the adjustments made were the most appropriate. If we are satisfied with what has been done, we will only have to click on the Enlarge and Save option, in this way the application will begin to enlarge the image .

Everything you can do with this free application is incredible, it can also support the most widely used formats such as JPG, PNG, BMP, PPM, etc. Best of all, it fully fulfills the purpose for which it was created. And this simple but powerful tool can be searched online.

In this way we come to the end of this tutorial that could give you the solution to a very frequent problem between what images should upload in their articles. And you could learn in a very simple way How to enlarge or enlarge an image without losing quality? free Online.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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