How to enable dark theme for Twitter app on Windows 10

Twitter for Windows 10 is a universal Windows app for Windows 10 PCs and tablets that gives you instant access to your Twitter account. Fans of themes with dark or black backgrounds will be happy to know that you can also enable dark theme for Twitter app.

First, here are some other highlights of the Twitter app for Windows 10:

  • Twitter Live Tiles
  • Multiple Photo Tweets – Upload up to four photos per tweet
  • Animated pictures
  • Reproduction of wine
  • Tweets with photos, Vine videos, and other selected content now show a preview in Home Timeline
  • Share photos privately in direct messages

Enable dark theme for Windows 10 Twitter App

Now, to enable the dark theme, type Twitter into the Windows 10 search box, open the trusted Twitter desktop app, and sign in to your account.

In the left pane, select Me and click Settings on the right side.

Go to the Personalization tab .

Switch the color theme from Light to Dark and save when prompted.

The application will be restarted to apply the changes and that’s it. You are done with the color theme settings for your Twitter app.

Besides changing the color scheme, you can also customize other settings for your Twitter account right here.

  • The Hometab will take you to the home page of the social networking website.
  • The Momentstab displays trending topics on Twitter, news about elections, sports, entertainment and entertainment.
  • The Notificationsand Messages tabs are obviously for checking all of your notifications and Twitter messages.
  • The Metab will take you to your Twitter profile page, where you can adjust your privacy and security settings, notification settings, manage blocked and disabled accounts, and change your password.

You can post a new tweet directly from the app, as well as search for any Twitter handle using the Search option in the left panel.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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