How to easily view the statistics and subscribers of a YouTube channel

You can do a bit of everything on the internet. There are people who claim that there is no way to be bored or have nothing to do if you have the Internet. And, in effect, the Internet ends up being a window to another universe to search for endless alternatives .

Whether we like music a lot , a specific show or we are simply doing research for a thesis; we can find everything we need on the Internet and much more.

Now, if we are talking purely about the entertainment aspect on the Internet and all the content that is there, you can spend days browsing through different pages finding all kinds of content that may be to your liking. From video games, to your favorite videos.

And, this is where YouTube comes in. Being one of the most visited pages worldwide, we can find all kinds of content and personalities in it, and be able to interact in different ways with various communities there.

You can listen to music, watch documentaries, interviews, news and much more, you can even enjoy your HD videos without getting stuck . And, best of all, you can also create content for YouTube.

When you create content for YouTube , over time, and with the growth of subscribers, you can earn money from visits to your videos and from subscriptions. That is why many find making videos on YouTube quite good.

However, it takes a lot of work to get to a high and stable point for it to become your career. And, while you get there, you always have to be on the lookout for your stats . That is why below we will talk about how to see your statistics and those of others on YouTube; so you don’t miss your growth or that of your favorite youtuber.

Viewing the statistics and subscribers of a YouTube channel is quite straightforward. Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Go to YouTube: Open your web browser and navigate to YouTube.
  2. Find the Channel: Use the search bar to find the YouTube channel you’re interested in. You can do this by typing the name of the channel and selecting it from the search results.
  3. View the Channel’s About Page: Once on the channel’s homepage, look for the “About” tab. This is usually located near the top of the page, alongside tabs like “Home”, “Videos”, “Playlists”, etc.
  4. Check Subscriber Count: On the channel’s “About” page, you can typically see the number of subscribers the channel has. This is usually displayed prominently.
  5. View Detailed Statistics: For more detailed statistics (like views, growth metrics, etc.), you may need to use external tools. Websites like Social Blade or VidIQ offer in-depth analytics about YouTube channels, including subscriber growth, average views, estimated earnings, and more. Simply visit these websites and search for the channel you’re interested in.
  6. YouTube Analytics (For Channel Owners): If you own the channel and want to view your own statistics, you can access YouTube Analytics through YouTube Studio. This is where you can find detailed data about your subscribers, views, watch time, revenue, and other important metrics.

Remember, the visibility of certain statistics like subscriber count can be controlled by the channel owner, so in some cases, this information might not be publicly available.

Really, seeing the statistics of your YouTube channel is a very simple task. You may be interested in seeing the number of visits a video receives on a daily basis or you want to know how much people of a certain age have liked a video.

You can see all this and more in Youtube Studio. This is a separate page from Youtube. With the URL starting with “studio” instead of ” www “, you can go directly, open your Youtube account and check everything that Youtube Studio has for you.

Once you have opened the page, you can see in the bar on the left an option that says ” Statistics “, click on it. And from here, you will be able to see all the statistics available for each video that you have uploaded, as well as the statistics of your channel.

It is really a very complete tool . Keep in mind that this same process can be done from the application for Android and iOS.

Viewing the statistics of others

Viewing the statistics of your channel is something very different from seeing the statistics of the other channels. In general, the general statistics of the other channels are personal information of each channel. As a third party, you can only see the number of their subscribers on their profile and also see the views on each video.

However, there are ways to find out everything that has to do with the statistics of each channel, including an estimate of how much they earn monthly or annually.

Although you can find lots of similar pages on the internet, none is as complete and easy to use as Social Blade . This is a page where all these statistics of which we have spoken are presented.

And, best of all, it is very easy to use. You just have to enter its web portal, write the name of the YouTube user that interests you and you will be able to see everything that interests you on the screen and more.

To view the statistics and subscribers of a YouTube channel, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the YouTube Channel:
    • Navigate to the YouTube website and search for the channel you’re interested in. Click on the channel name to visit their main page.
  2. Check the ‘About’ Section for Basic Stats:
    • On the channel’s main page, click on the “About” tab. This section typically includes basic information like the total number of views and the date the channel was created. However, the number of subscribers is usually visible right on the channel’s home page.
  3. Use YouTube Analytics (for Channel Owners):
    • If you own the channel, you can access detailed statistics through YouTube Analytics. This can be found in your YouTube Studio dashboard. Here, you can see in-depth statistics like watch time, subscriber count, revenue (if applicable), and more.
  4. Third-Party Tools:
    • There are various third-party websites and tools that provide detailed analytics for YouTube channels, such as Social Blade or VidIQ. These sites often present data in a user-friendly, tabular format.
  5. Creating a Table Manually:
    • If you want to create a table manually, you can note down the statistics you see from YouTube or third-party tools and input them into a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. This way, you can organize the data in a tabular format as per your preference.

Remember, while you can see a lot of public data about any channel, some detailed analytics (like revenue, detailed demographics, etc.) are only accessible to the channel’s owner.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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