How to easily create and print double-sided documents in Word

Learn how to easily create and print double-sided documents in Word. Save paper and time by following these simple steps.

How to create and print double-sided documents in Word

Creating and printing double-sided documents in tabular format in Microsoft Word is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Creating a Double-Sided Document in Tabular Format

  1. Open Microsoft Word: Launch the application on your computer.
  2. Create a New Document: Go to File > New to open a blank document.
  3. Insert a Table:
    • Go to the Insert tab.
    • Click on Table.
    • Choose the number of rows and columns you need for your table.
  4. Enter Your Data: Click on the cells in the table to enter your data.
  5. Format the Table:
    • You can adjust the size of the cells, change the table style, and apply other formatting options under the Table Design and Layout tabs that appear when the table is selected.
  6. Add Additional Content: If you need more content outside the table, simply click outside the table and continue typing or insert more tables as needed.

Printing Double-Sided

  1. Check Printer Capability: Ensure your printer supports double-sided printing (duplex printing).
  2. Prepare the Document for Printing:
    • Click File > Print.
    • Under Settings, choose how you want the document to be printed. For double-sided, select Print on Both Sides. You might see options like Flip on Long Edge or Flip on Short Edge depending on how you want the document to be oriented.
  3. Print Settings:
    • Choose your printer from the list.
    • Adjust other settings like paper size, quality, and orientation as necessary.
  4. Print the Document: Click the Print button.


  • Page Layout: Consider your document’s layout. If your table spans multiple pages, make sure the headings are repeated on each page for clarity. Use the Repeat Header Rows feature under Layout when the table is selected.
  • Page Margins: Adjust margins under Layout > Margins to ensure your content fits well within the print area.
  • Preview: Always preview your document before printing to make sure everything looks right. This option is available in the Print menu.
  • Printer Settings: Sometimes, printer-specific settings might override Word settings. Check your printer’s properties if you encounter issues with double-sided printing.
  • Saving: Save your document regularly to avoid losing any work.

By following these steps, you can easily create and print double-sided documents in tabular format in Microsoft Word. Remember that the exact steps may vary slightly depending on your version of Word and your printer’s capabilities.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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