How to easily copy and duplicate slides in PowerPoint?

Looking to save time in your PowerPoint presentations? Learn how to easily copy and duplicate slides in PowerPoint, streamlining your presentation creation process.

What to do to copy and duplicate slides in PowerPoint?

Creating a guide in tabular form for copying and duplicating slides in PowerPoint is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

How to Copy and Duplicate Slides in PowerPoint

Step Action Details
1 Open PowerPoint Launch PowerPoint and open the presentation containing the slide(s) you want to copy or duplicate.
2 Navigate to the Slide Go to the slide that you want to copy or duplicate.
3 Copy the Slide To copy: Right-click on the slide in the slide pane (left side), and select “Copy.” Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C (Windows) or Cmd + C (Mac).
4 Duplicate the Slide To duplicate: Right-click on the slide in the slide pane, and select “Duplicate Slide.” This will create an exact copy of the slide immediately after the current slide.
5 Paste the Copied Slide To paste a copied slide: Navigate to the location where you want the new slide to appear. Right-click in the slide pane and select “Paste.” Alternatively, use Ctrl + V (Windows) or Cmd + V (Mac).
6 Adjust the Slide Order If necessary, click and drag the new slide to your preferred location in the slide sequence.
7 Save Changes Once you’re done, don’t forget to save your presentation to keep the changes.


  • Multiple Slides: You can select multiple slides by holding down the Shift key (for contiguous slides) or the Ctrl key (for non-contiguous slides) while clicking on the slides.
  • Slide Master: If you are duplicating slides to maintain a consistent layout or design, consider using the Slide Master feature for more efficient editing.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts for quicker slide management.

By following these steps, you can easily copy or duplicate slides in PowerPoint to enhance your presentation.

For those who know PowerPoint, you should know that this is considered the best presentation creation application that exists, with excellent tools.

Among them, there is the one to “Copy” and “Duplicate” the slides, something that you can do in the same presentation or between several, managing to obtain slides quickly. Keep in mind that these tools can be used by key combinations or with the cursor, here we explain it in more detail.

Copy slides into PowerPoint

This option is one of the easiest to do, copying is something that the vast majority of computer users know how to do. So doing it in PowerPoint will be easy . You can do it in two ways, the first is the most common, using the keyboard and a small combination, “Ctrl + C”, which you use to copy any element.

The other way is through the secondary button, position yourself on the slide you want to copy. Right-click, you just need to select “Copy.” Now, you have already copied a slide, to paste it in the desired location you will have two simple options to do, we will explain both quickly.

First, you can paste it under a slide with the keyboard, scroll to the previous slide you want to paste to, press “Ctrl + V” and you’re done.

The other option is a bit more tedious, but it can help you organize your presentation with ease. You will have to access the “View / View” tab in the options bar. Once there, click on “Slide Sorter”, you will be able to see all slides as a mosaic, numbered to know where each one goes, paste the slide in place.

Keep in mind that being in the “Slide Sorter” you can copy and paste several slides at the same time, in case you want to move them. The previously explained works perfectly to move slides from one presentation to another, keep in mind that, sometimes, some elements are not copied.

Duplicate slides in PowerPoint

This is a quick process, you do not need anything but the mouse and the slide you want to duplicate, copy and duplicate slides in PowerPoint go hand in hand . First, position yourself on the slide you want to duplicate. Click with the right button and you will see the option “Duplicate”, when you click, a copy of it will be generated.

If you want to move it to another presentation, you need to copy or cut it, so you can move it to another presentation easily, you just have to paste it and that’s it.

If you just want to copy and paste the background from one presentation to another , there is no need for you to duplicate the entire slide.

Why copy and duplicate slides in PowerPoint?

These tools gain value when slides are made with an outline or design that must be repeated, in a certain way, they make the job easier.

In this way, they avoid the need to create the design from scratch. Which increases the working time and decreases the efficiency of creating the slides. On the other hand, most people use these tools to repeat a slide that they will use as the presentation design, making them the same .

You could say that copying and duplicating slides in PowerPoint is one of the easiest ways to create presentations with homogeneous styles and without design errors. Note that this copy takes all the slide elements, layouts, layout, outlines, and text boxes found within the page.

Another way to make the job of designing a PowerPoint presentation easier is by downloading design templates .

Once your presentation is ready be sure to save it so as not to lose your work, if you want to save them so that they cannot be duplicated, we recommend saving it as a PDF file, you can also save your slides as JPEG images.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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