If you have not had too much luck in your games and you have run out of coins to play, we will tell you how to earn free coins in Parcheesi Star so you can play whenever you want.

Parcheesi Star has become the star application that simulates this traditional board game . In March 2020, coinciding with the coronavirus pandemic, it became the most downloaded app on both Android and iOS . An entertaining way to take the time of confinement that we all suffer.

Each entry to a game of Parcheesi Star has a price that you must pay to play . The lowest price for each game is 500 coins. Then it goes up, but of course the more you pay for the ticket, the higher the prize will be.

If you have had a run of bad luck and you have run out of coins to continue playing, we will tell you how to win coins in Parcheesi Star legally without tricks or traps.


One of the easiest and fastest ways to know how to earn free coins in Parcheesi Star is through Reward Boxes that you receive if you watch ads . You only have to see an ad and for that you receive a Reward Box that most of the time contains coins and other times it also contains gems.

Each day you can get up to six reward boxes by viewing these commercials. Then you will have to wait until the next day they are active again. To open the ads you just have to open the game and click on the house icon. Then on the left side, attached to the side of the screen, you will see the video icon. Press it to start viewing ads.


Another way to get free coins is in the Magic Choice. Here you can earn coins by simply choosing one of the three cards given to you. Depending on the card you choose, you will earn more or less coins. You have one free spin per day.

To access this Magic Choice you just have to click on the card icon with a question mark in the middle that you have on the right side of the screen.

If luck is on your side, you can win many coins if you win several games of the game. On boards with four players you will also get free coins if you are second classified.


There is also another way to know how to earn free coins in Parcheesi Star. It is through the Hall of Fortune. In the “home” interface you have on the left side a button with a diamond-shaped icon with a star inside. Press it to enter. Then you only have to choose one card for every four that appear. You will be able to opt for coins and other prizes that will also serve you to get items such as dice.

But be careful! Among the cards in this Hall of Fortune there is one that is from a witch, if it appears you will lose everything you have won. We recommend that you do not be too ambitious and play few cards and collect what you win. The more you play the more likely the witch will appear on her broom and pluck you.


If you know how to earn free coins in Parcheesi Star and now you have so many that you want to give them away, we will tell you how to give coins in Parcheesi Star.

To give coins you have to be connected to your Facebook profile and that the person to whom you are going to give the coins is also connected by Facebook. then on the main screen click on “Play with friends”. Choose the type of board you start and share the board code with your friend. When you are both in the game, click on quit and the prize in coins will automatically be taken by your friend.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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