How to dye armor in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

How to dye armor in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Undoubtedly one of the most exciting parts of playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is taking Link through Hyrule and collecting all the armor pieces available to him. Although the armor looks great as it is, Part of the fun lies in Link’s eventual ability to customize his appearance to his liking.. This is accomplished through Tears of the Kingdom’s dye mechanic.

How to dye armor in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

The armor dyeing process in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is relatively straightforward, but like many other things in the game, the player is never prompted that it is possible to do so. This guide will explain How to Dye Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Armor and all the steps Link must follow to get the color of clothes he’s always wanted.

Where to dye armor in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Similar to its predecessor, Breath of the Wild, in Tears of the Kingdom There is only one shop in the entire Kingdom of Hyrule where Link can change the color of his armor.. Once again, that store is located in hateno village.

Link will likely hear mention of Hateno Village long before reaching it in Tears of the Kingdom. Several Hylians will tell Link that Hateno is the epicenter of Hyrule when it comes to fashion. This is the most subtle way in which the game guides Link towards the possibility of modifying his armor.


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Hateno Village is located in the southeast corner of Hyrule, at a location between Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower (3846, -1307, 0529) and Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower (2419, -2762, 0222) in East Necluda .

To get to Kochi Dyes Shop, go to the coordinates 3400, -2139, 0121. At first, the map may appear blurry, but Link can head to the southeast corner of the map to find his destination.

How to dye armor and clothing in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Once Link has reached the Kochi Dye Shop in Hateno Village, he must go inside and meet Matik. He will offer you the following two options:

  • “Change the color of this outfit.”
  • “Modify Paraglider”.

To dye the armor, Link must choose the first option. It is important to remember that each color change will cost Link 20 rupees, so make sure you have enough for each individual job. To complete a full color change, follow these steps:

  1. Choose to start a new job or revert a previous change

Link can change the color of a new set of armor, or he can restore a previously dyed set to its original color. Select “Please change color” to start a new job.

  1. Select which garment you want to dye

Link has the option to start the process with the armor he wishes to dye, although it is not required. During the process, he will also have a chance to change his clothes. Select “Pick a color” to proceed to the next step or “Change outfit” to do so.

 Additionally, Matik may inform Link that his clothing set contains one or more items that cannot be dyed. Special items like Cece’s Tears of the Kingdom Hat or Champion Outfit are not eligible to be dyed.

  1. Choose the desired tone or color

Once Link has made his clothing selection, a menu will appear with a variety of color options. 15 shades are available spanning the entire spectrum. It is important to note that Matik will only dye all three armor items at once, individual pieces cannot be dyed. If Link wants to dye only one item in a set, he can try combining it with two special items that cannot be traded.

  1. Materials selection

Link must choose five items that match the desired color. For example, you can use five A Material Chunks to get the Black Dye or five Mighty Bananas to get the Yellow Dye.

  1. Make the payment of Rs 20 and complete the tinting process

Link will proceed to make the corresponding payment and will go through the unique tinting process offered by Matik.

How to dye the parasail in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

If Link wants to change the fabric of his glider, he just needs to select that option from the start.. A menu will appear showing all the cloths you have collected so far. Choose the desired fabric, make the payment of 20 rupees and Matik will use his ability to allow Link to watch his new glider come to life.

With this, Link will have the option to return at any time to dye his armor.. Through this process, you will be able to look stylish while facing the toughest challenges in Tears of the Kingdom.