Nowadays, drawing tools have made life easier for professionals or students of careers such as engineering and architecture. If before it was quite tedious and delicate to make plans because of the many details they have, AutoCad has really simplified this task.
Of course, it’s still delicate, but this program has a number of reliable tools that will help you draw your plans in the best way.
How to draw house plans in AUTOCAD like a pro
Index( )
- What are the main tools to facilitate the realization of plans in Autocad?
- layers
- Template
- blocks
- Paper space presentations
- Tabla
- Applications
- What commands should I know how to use correctly to make a plan in Autocad?
- What is the procedure to make a plan in Autocad?
- How can I make a plan with exact measurements in Autocad?
What are the main tools to facilitate the realization of plans in Autocad?
One of the great advantages of AutoCad is that you don’t need a computer with such graphic capacity, at least to work in two dimensions.
It is also easy to download from its official page . Just install it on your PC to start using this vital drawing tool. AutoCad offers a series of plan design utilities, which you can easily find in the main menu of the program. Among the most used to draw house plans are the following:
They are quite useful when organizing the drawing that you are going to create, since from the beginning you start naming each layer of the objects that you will draw, such as lines, circles, walls, windows. As you draw these elements they are organized in their specific layer which you can also add a different color to each one.
The use of templates is perfect to save time when you are going to start a drawing of a house. Normally, the same features are used, for example layers, scale and units, so that is where creating a fixed template is the best option for your drawings. Once the template is defined, it is only necessary to save it and then when you start a drawing, in the open menu you look for the template you need.
When you draw house plans in Autocad, the blocks are perfect allies to facilitate the work. These are made up of a group of lines or figures, which working together form a whole. They can be used to create elements such as doors, windows, furniture, trees, among others.
In AutoCad you can design and save the blocks , copy and paste them in the planes you want and the best thing is that if you change any characteristic in the block of the same element, they will be changed in all of them.
Paper space presentations
When a plan is made in AutoCad , the ideal thing is that it be printed . For this the paper space works, in this area the plans of each part of the house or discipline are placed, and it serves as a framework. That is to say, it is the limit where the plan will be printed on paper, which works together with the scales to be able to provide an adequate size and that the plan enters the paper space.
The tables, as they are created in Excel , can be very useful in AutoCad, since you can enter and write down the quantities of elements that a house has. For example, you can establish the number of doors , the types of floors or the number of columns to build. So for this there is the table command, in which the number of rows and columns to use are defined, in addition to all the characteristics that you can edit in the table.
In addition to the diversity of functions that AutoCad has, it also offers extra applications created for specific designs. At least, for civil engineering design Civil 3D works perfectly, as well as for the electrical area, sanitary, maps and 3-dimensional designs.
What commands should I know how to use correctly to make a plan in Autocad?
The main commands used to create a plan are line, copy, paste, symmetry, polylines, and circles. In the case of wanting to edit the characteristics of the objects, the ‘pr’ or properties command is used. And if in the middle of the drawing you want to edit the lines you can apply the shorten or lengthen element tool. Also, if you want to know the heights of the objects you can do it with the ‘measure’ command.
What is the procedure to make a plan in Autocad?
The first thing to do is download the program in the latest version depending on the capacity of your computer. Then open it up and prepare the template to implement with the scale and unit specifications . Then edit the layers that you will need in the drawing, if you want to change the name and color. Once this is defined, start drawing your lines with the measurements you want.
Of course, remember to choose which layer you will be working on so that the objects are stored in it and thus the organization of the plan is easier. Finally, remember to adjust the plane in the paper space for later printing. Now, the printer must be well configured and installed on your computer.
How can I make a plan with exact measurements in Autocad?
From the beginning of the plan you can adjust what scale you are going to draw, then once defined you can simply select the line command or the object you want, enter the measurement with the numeric keypad and press ‘enter’. The program immediately draws the object with the indicated size.