How to disable ‘Developer Options’ on my Android phone?

For those who are advanced users or with intermediate knowledge, these options are beneficial. Thanks to them, it is possible to increase the performance of the device to its maximum potential.

Of course you have to know what to modify, since it can cause damage in the short or medium term. Therefore, we recommend that you hide the developer options once you have achieved what you were looking for. After that, you can continue using your mobile as you prefer.

Although it is true that these functions are very useful , there comes a time when they are not necessary. It is at this time that you must deactivate them. But since it is a little known process, today we will explain it to you.


  1. What should I do to disable developer options on Android?
    1. Disable developer options from settings
    2. Verify that none of its functions take effect
  2. How to know if it is bad to disable developer options on my Android?

What should I do to disable developer options on Android?

The advantage of this operating system is that it allows you to make adjustments very easily, as well as undo them. For this type of mode, the same thing happens. It is only a matter of following a series of steps that we will detail shortly.

Disable developer options from settings

  1. The main thing is to enter the configuration of your equipment. You can achieve this through the app that comes with the same device, either by lowering the drop-down menu and pressing on the gear.
  2. Depending on the phone and version of Android you have, the ‘ Developer mode‘ option  will not be in the same place. In the case of Xiaomi mobiles, you have to go to Additional Settings and scroll down to the end there.
  3. On other devices, just follow step 1 and then scroll until you find the choice of your choice.
  4. Once you enter this, you have to go to the Debugging section.
  5. There you must make sure that USB debugging is disabled.
  6. Then, you will have to select the option that is shown to you at the beginning and that will allow you to deactivate in such a way.

You can do a quick check of what you have done. To do this, you have to exit system settings and then enter again. This done, proceed to look for Developer Mode . If it does not appear, it is because the steps were executed correctly.

Verify that none of its functions take effect

The most advisable thing for this type of situation is that you leave everything as it was at the beginning. In other words, if you made changes in the USB Debugging section , you leave it as it came by default.

Although you should not worry too much about this, since current phones have such a system, that after a period of time, the developer mode is deactivated. So all the modifications that have been made return to their usual state.

Now, this is not entirely safe, since it largely depends on the Android phone you have. In any case, it does not hurt to check each of the options and see that everything is in order. You can make a comparison with another device or search for references online.

How to know if it is bad to disable developer options on my Android?

This will depend on what your needs are. For example, if at the time you proceeded to enable unknown Android origins to install apps, after disabling such mode, you will no longer be able to have applications on your mobile as you used to.

Therefore, this is a disadvantage for those phones that have certain types of connection problems, with services and others. In fact, there are those who optimize their device to the point that they remove the animations, to improve speed. So deactivating developer mode means losing this and returning to the slowness that the team had at the time.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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