How to disable caps lock on my keyboard? – easy writing

On your computer keyboard, just above the Shift key, you will see the key to lock or unlock capital letters . When you press it, it is very common for a light to indicate that it is active. That is to say that if the light is off we will be removing the caps lock.

It is very common to make mistakes in Word because of this key, so you can disable the lock or the function of the caps key so that when you press it, nothing happens. It is also recommended to activate spell checking in Word and thus solve errors made by misusing the keyboard.

Index( )

  1. How do you temporarily disable the Caps Lock key?
  2. What is the process to permanently disable the Caps Lock key feature?
    1. From the Windows Registry
    2. With help from CapsLock Goodbye
  3. How to correct a text written in uppercase by mistake?
    1. If you wrote in Word
    2. Combining the Shift and F3 keys

How do you temporarily disable the Caps Lock key?

To temporarily disable the Caps Lock key you just have to press the ‘Lock’ key. Shift’ so that the keyboard light indicates that it is disabled. This light is represented by a capital letter ‘A’. It is important to know that it is possible that it may change places a little depending on the model of the keyboard.

Likewise, the type of Windows does not matter, nor does it matter if you have changed the language of your keyboard , since this only affects the insertion of special symbols, but not the keys. This means that the function of the keys will be the same regardless of the language of your system.

What is the process to permanently disable the Caps Lock key feature?

In addition to temporarily deactivating the Lock key. Shift, you can also make it permanent . In other words, leave the use of this key without any function, so that it does not even serve to activate or deactivate the capital letters. Learn how to do it as follows:

From the Windows Registry

It is always recommended before using the Windows registry that you proceed to create a restore point , since in case of a mistake you can always recover the system without problems using advanced startup with a restore point. So to disable the Lock key. Shift using the registry editor you should only:

  1. Open the registry editor, you can use the search engine or execute the ‘Regedit’ command with the Windows + R keys.
  2. Ir a la siguiente ruta HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout.
  3. Right click on some free space and choose the option of new binary value.
  4. Name the new value ‘ScanCode Map’.
  5. Open the new value with a double click or right click on ‘Modify’.
  6. Write the value ’00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 3A 00 00 00 00 00′.
  7. Click on accept and that’s it.

An important fact that you should know is that if you want to activate the Lock key again. Shift using the registry editor you just have to delete the new binary value that you have created and that’s it, the key is automatically activated.

With help from CapsLock Goodbye

CapsLock Goodbye is a program that, when used, will be able to modify the Windows registry for the keys that are displayed on its interface. Of course as far as deactivating or activating it is concerned and not changing its use. Learn how to do it as follows:

  1. Download and install the CapsLock Goodbye program.
  2. Open the CapsLock Goodbye program.
  3. In the main interface select CapsLock key function.
  4. Change the ‘Default’ option to ‘Key turned off’.
  5. Click on ‘Ok’ and that’s it.

An important fact that you should know is that you can also deactivate the ‘Insert’ key or those to navigate the scroll with this same program, and if you want to activate them again, you just have to change ‘Key turned off’ to ‘Default’ and that’s it.

How to correct a text written in uppercase by mistake?

It is very important to know that to correct a text that you have written in capital letters by mistake, you must do so according to the site. Since the tools are different for each place. In text editing programs it is easier to correct errors. Learn how to do it as follows:

If you wrote in Word

In Microsoft Word you can check grammar, spelling and many more errors by simply pressing the F7 key, of course once you have found your text in uppercase you must select it and press the option ‘ Change uppercase and lowercase ‘ in this way no matter how many of text that you have written by mistake, in the same way you can correct everything instantly.

You should also know that when some words or phrases are capitalized, the program does not detect it as an error , but don’t worry since it is very easy to distinguish it from the others, due to the difference in size, in the same way you can press the key combination ‘Control + B’ in order to locate the text in uppercase and replace it with the same but in lowercase.

Combining the Shift and F3 keys

In Word, as in all the text editing programs of the Office package, you can find the option to ‘Change case’, located in the ‘Start’ tab. In the same way, if you cannot find this option, you should only use the combination of keys ‘Shift + F3’ in this way you can convert your selected text into upper or lower case according to the case.

Likewise, if you have selected a text and press the ‘Shift + F3’ keys, it will change to lower case, if you press them again you will see that lower case is placed but with the initial in upper case, very useful for full names. This means that you have the option of pressing this key combination simultaneously to change the font as many times as you want .