How to disable Adobe Creative Cloud autostart on MacOS

In the technological market there are a number of programs to facilitate your design and creation tasks. One of them is Adobe Creative Cloud, surely you are thinking of acquiring it and if you have it, you should be aware of some difficulties that it can generate, for example, such as the automatic start of this program. Here we will tell you how you can solve it.

Index( )

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of autostarting Adobe Creative Cloud?
    1. Accounts with direct access
    2. It worsens the performance of your device
    3. You do not keep control over background programs
  2. What are the steps to follow to disable the automatic start of this program?
  3. What can you do to turn Adobe Creative Cloud autostart back on?
  4. How can you permanently uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud from your Mac?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of autostarting Adobe Creative Cloud?

theAdobe Creative Cloudprogram is a very complete program due to the compendium of programs that it has, very useful for the business and design sector and even office workers. But, it is important that you know that using this program has its advantages and disadvantages, such as automatic startup. To continue; the details.

Accounts with direct access

One of its advantages is that you have direct access, because when you turn on your computer you won’t have to enter a username and password, but rather it starts automatically, so you save time , especially if you are one of those who use this service regularly. frequently to carry out their tasks and projects. For that reason the direct access becomes a very convenient aspect for the users.

It worsens the performance of your device

Due to the fact that when the Adobe program starts automatically, it consumes a lot of computer battery, because programs are being executed at the same time, this has the consequence that the system becomes slow . Which implies that it will not work in the most optimal way, preventing you from accelerating the performance of your computer.

You do not keep control over background programs

This is because Adobe Creative Cloud runs all its programs even if they are not being used, allowing all applications to work properly and efficiently. They are programs that are automatically synchronized, preventing the user from controlling this function above all, deciding which program they want to run.

What are the steps to follow to disable the automatic start of this program?

Many are annoyed that Adobe Creative Cloud opens every time the computer starts up. Therefore, we bring you the solution toDisable automatic startup. You can do them in two ways, but both are effective. In this case, proceed as follows: You must sign in with Adobe ID in Creative Cloud.

Once inside, a command path begins to be entered , which is the following: launchctlunload–w/Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist. In that simple way, the program will stop starting automatically.

The second way, you enter with your username and password. You go to System Preferences and proceed to uncheck a box where Sign in to Creative Cloud appears. Turn off the computer and turn it back on. You will check the deactivation of the program.

What can you do to turn Adobe Creative Cloud autostart back on?

If you’ve turned off Adobe Creative Cloud autostart but want to turn it back on, the fix is ​​easy. You must enter the program and execute the following command path as follows:

launchload -w/Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist. Once this step is finished, you restart the computer and it will start automatically. Or you can also go to the preferences of the program and check the box for Creative Cloud Login. That way when you turn on your Adobe Creative computer it will start automatically.

How can you permanently uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud from your Mac?

If you no longer want to use Adobe Creative for any reason, it is very important that you uninstall it from your computer to prevent it from taking up a lot of space every time you receive updates. That is why we will tell you how to definitively uninstall the program from your computer.

First, you must close any programs you have installed from Adobe Creative Cloud. You log in to the application and go to Applications, then More actions and choose the program to uninstall.

Press Uninstall and then you must follow the instructions displayed by the system. Something interesting that you can try is the Adobe uninstaller, open it and enter your username and password , click OK and then click Uninstall.

The process will start immediately, at the end, the system will show a confirmation of how the program has been uninstalled.