How to disable 2fa Fortnite two-factor authentication on PS4?

Fortnite is the game of the moment, this is because it not only stayed with the formula with which it started, but also added and continues to add many playable and non-playable mechanics that improve the gaming experience . Just for one of them is today’s tutorial, so you can see How to disable two-factor authentication?

In most accounts and current devices, double authentication is being used a lot, because it protects the user against hacking, however, it does not always work for the best, and sometimes it can become a problem (like when you are going to change name in Fortnite ).

How to disable two-factor authentication?

Going straight to the point that interests you, so that you can disable two-factor authentication, the first thing you have to do is go to the official website of Epic Games.

In it you have to enter your credentials to be allowed to enter, which would be the email and password, once inside you must click on the user icon that is in the upper right corner of the screen, and in the menu that choose “Accounts”.

With this action, you will be sent to another section where you have to press the option called “Password and security”, which is in the different selections that appear on the left side of the screen.

There you will notice many options, locate the one called “Two-step authentication”, when you see it, all you have to do is disable the authentication box that you have previously chosen (remember that there are three but you can only choose one).

And voila, with that it will be deactivated, and now you can enter the game or perform an extra action without having to verify that it is you at all times. However, it is not recommended to carry out this practice forever, since not having that extra layer of security can take its toll.

Remember that Fortnite is not responsible for what happens to your account (it is company policy), so if you are hacked for example, you will lose all the progress that you had saved forever.

How to activate two-step authentication?

Now that you know how to disable two-factor authentication, it’s time for you as a little extra to see the opposite process, that is, how this authentication is activated, either for the first time or after deactivating it.

To begin, the initial process is the same as the previous one, you have to go to the accounts section, and then to the passwords and passwords section, only this time instead of disabling a box, you will have to enable them by clicking on them.

The options you have to choose from are three: authentication by an application, authentication by email or mail, and authentication by SMS. They all do the same, send you a message to the corresponding medium to verify that it is you.

It should be noted that to activate any of it you have to authenticate and verify your Fortnite account first, you can do this by tapping on the option “Send verification email” found below the authentication boxes.

And once they send you this email, you have to press the corresponding link that comes to you. With that last, you already know everything you need to be able to deactivate two-factor authentication, and also activate it again.

Now you can focus on finding out how to do other functions in Fortnite, such as the one that allows you to link your Twitch account with Epic Games quickly, or the one that lets you walk taking selfies all over the map while rivals kill each other, remember the sky is the limit in this wonderful Epic title. 


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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