How to determine the type of person?

he impact on the definition of human behavior sometimes plays an important role. “In their encounter, they are careful” – the proverb, if possible, reflects the main point of view of the individual in his or her appearance. The long story about the type of person inside can be told in the figure.


Obviously a tall man and a handsome man with short legs will look at the world differently, analyze the situation and make some decisions.

The death of Canadian psychologist Liz Burbo has led to controversy among many prominent scientists and researchers. According to the report, according to the figures, you can determine a person’s personality, fears and desires, desires and behaviors around the world. Through Bourbaugh, he produced 5 different types, as well as, therefore, five different types of people, which have pediatric traumas (they manifest in our body). People without trauma do not, but they (injuries) can be numerous. The more a child’s emotional state is affected, the more psychologically and emotionally the child’s emotions are affected.


Of course, this kind of statement of this question will interest many, but it is useful to understand it well, since it became clear that it can be used for their own purposes, to support their existence and existence, start interacting with events and learn to communicate with people and the world around you.


Type One.


The skin is soft, the bones are brittle, the eyes are scary, and sometimes such people look poisonous. These species do not like to be distracted, and their crowds quickly disappear and become invisible.




Infants were injured during their pregnancy. Most likely they were not waiting and planning, the pregnancy happened suddenly. But, if the parents are not prepared for such a crucial step, it shows that the child is not necessary. But, out of love or other circumstances, there is no abortion, and a child is born.


Such people do not know that they have no right to exist, they are not interested in material things, they are intelligent and intelligent, but they often think that they are useless and reject the whole world. No one understands or accepts them – they themselves think so. Therefore, often choose the path of loneliness. Their greatest fear is fear.


Type two.


The elongated body is smooth, the ankles are curved, the bones are attractive and the shape is unmatched by any human. Such a person is a small thing, but not a brain and energy. Eyes wide open, looking at everyone.




The injury was diagnosed before the age of 3. As a rule, the mental barrier in the parents of the opposite sex is damaged. This may be emotional, for example, one of the parents may go shopping, and it is because the child is a problem, because at that time it is important that he has a parent .


These models always attract more interest by every means available. They are important support, participation in their lives, sexual love, striving for freedom, often becoming popular, and a desire to meet their needs to be central.


Type three.


A similar kolobok, which is clearly visible, has a red cheekbones, a round face and a well-defined shape refers to the third type.




Abusive speech and abusive speech by a child under 5 can lead to psychological trauma. Such people are ashamed of themselves, of everyone and everything. Although they know exactly what their needs and desires are, they ignore them, cause other problems, and try to solve them. Such people are sharp, afraid of freedom.


Type four.


The figure size of pear, high hips, very small, clearly distinguishes those of the fourth type.




Trauma was admitted at five to five years of age due to the parents of the opposite sex, to whom the person was disappointed. Such people control everyone and everything, try to control, try to impress anyone. They are thoughtful, not caring, quick-witted and determined. Many plans are built, which, as a rule, do not come true.


Type five.


The sleek and elegant, high-quality, high-quality design is the epitome of the five elements. Such people have a habit of shining their lips, movements are combined.




At the age of 6, one of the child’s parents was unaware of the child’s behavior and actions, and in addition, followed the punishment. Such ones often make themselves perfect at all times, sometimes considerate, sometimes not well. They like to compare themselves with others, if checked in their favor is very happy. They fear being rejected, strangers and cold and misunderstood.

by Abdullah Sam
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