How to delete netflix account

Have you decided to stop using Netflix and switch to another streaming service? Or more simply do you want to delete your personal profile? In this guide I will explain very quickly how to deactivate the Netflix subscription and also how to delete the Netflix profile . All in just a few steps


  • How to Delete the Netflix Profile
  • How to deactivate Netflix subscription

How to Delete the Netflix Profile

Netflix allows you to create up to 5 personal profiles. By using a personal profile you will allow Netflix to learn your tastes and offer you the content deemed best for you. Sometimes, however, the profiles are “polluted” by other users and Netflix begins to offer you films and series that are not in line with your tastes. In these cases it is better to delete the netflix profile and create it from scratch.

Deleting a Netflix profile is a very simple operation. All you have to do is connect to the netflix site from the browser or directly from the app and click on the edit button under the profile picture and then click on Delete

How to deactivate Netflix subscription

If you deactivate your Netflix subscription, you will give up using the service at the end of the renewal period. In this way you will officially stop using the service and you will no longer be charged for the monthly costs.

Fortunately, deactivating a netflix subscription is very simple but can only be done from a browser (so it will not be possible to use the netflix app available on smartphones and smart TVs).

Open the browser on your PC or smartphone and connect to the netflix site , enter your credentials (email address and password you normally use to access netflix) and click on Login.

Click on the image at the top right and select the Account item. It will open a new window; here select Subscription and billing .

Press the Cancel subscription button  and then the Complete the cancellation button .

Done! your subscription has been canceled. You will be able to continue watching Netflix until the current period is completed. At the end of the period the subscription will not be renewed and you will no longer be able to access Netflix.

Did you delete your netflix account and thought about it later? No problem, luckily Netflix will keep your information for a certain period of time (less than a year). So, if you decide to subscribe again, you will already find your old profiles.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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