How to delete messages from your page on Facebook

Facebook is, if you will, the largest social network in the world. It has in itself many possibilities to interact , such as the Fanpage.

On these pages it is also possible to have chat conversations . But, for various reasons users sometimes want to delete them. For this reason, the following will show how to delete messages from a Fanpage.

Index( )

  1. Where can your hidden conversations be seen and how to delete them?
  2. How to massively delete messages from your Fanpage?
    1. From a Smartphone
    2. on a pc
  3. How to unarchive conversations that we deleted before from our Fanpage?

Where can your hidden conversations be seen and how to delete them?

On Facebook there is the option to have hidden conversations, sometimes also called ‘hidden chats’ or ‘archived chats’ . These can be present on a Facebook page as well as in a personal account, and can be seen from the Facebook Messenger application.

In order to access these conversations, you need to enter the Messenger app and go to the login section. As the Fanpage will be linked to our Facebook account, all you have to do is log in to Messenger on our page. After this you have to go to ‘Settings’ , which is in the upper left corner.

Within the configuration section you will see an option that says ‘Hidden chats’ or ‘Archived chats’. When you enter there you can see all the hidden conversations. To be able to eliminate them, we will simply have to press and hold the one we want to eliminate, and that’s it.

Now, it is important to say that hidden conversations are not only part of Facebook pages. These can also be present in a personal Facebook profile. And the process to be able to eliminate them is the same as already mentioned.

How to massively delete messages from your Fanpage?

Deleting all the conversations that can be had on a Fanpage can greatly ease the burden depending on how many they are and what their content is. For this reason, the following will show how to delete messages from a Facebook Fanpage . However, it is important to say that doing so can present some challenges and surprises.

From a Smartphone

To delete messages from a Facebook page from your smartphone, simply go to the Facebook Messenger application and log in to our page. However, it is important to say something: it is not possible to massively delete all messages from a smartphone.

If you want to delete all the messages of a Fanpage from the smartphone, you will have to do it one by one. To do this, click on the message you want to delete, then select the delete option, and that’s it. And although it is unfortunate that it is not possible to delete all of them yet, it is expected that in a future update  they will do so.

on a pc

Now, although it is not possible to massively delete conversations from a Fampage on a smartphone, the truth is that it is possible to do it from a PC… However, this entails some setbacks. To be able to massively delete conversations from a Facebook page, you must install a Chrome extension.

The extension in question that should be used to delete messages is ‘Delete All Messages for Facebook’ . This tool is extremely intuitive. When you log in and open the message bar, click on the extension icon in the browser bar and then on ‘Open your messages’.

Doing this will bring up a box giving a warning that the messages will be deleted. Skipping that box and accepting will remove all conversations from the page. However, it is important to say that the extension will delete all messages without exception , so think twice before deleting them.

How to unarchive conversations that we deleted before from our Fanpage?

To be able to unarchive a conversation that has been had on a Fanpage and has been hidden, you simply have to go to Facebook Messenger. Being there you have to access our page from the configuration in the upper left corner. Within the configuration you have to select the line ‘Archived chats’.

After this, it will simply be necessary to press and hold the chat in question and select the option to unarchive . The truth is that this issue of messages on Facebook pages is quite complex, however knowing it is quite useful for those who constantly use the Facebook platform.