How to delete all the photos posted on my Instagram account?

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks, it also has many followers. In this platform we can do many things, within its variety of functions is: make comments on publications, upload and publish photos even from the PC,  videos, filters, statuses, share, chat, tag a person in a comment and many other things plus.

Of course all these Instagram tools, their designers continually update them, they also put new options to get users to do different and ingenious things.

For each photo you have on Instagram, you can apply any of the different functions that we mentioned before, that is why this social network has become so used worldwide with more than 1,000 million active users.

The filters used on Instagram are many that can make important changes in photos or videos, with these we can retro colors, you can also give them a nostalgic look or make it vintage style and many more.

Of course, sometimes it happens that with the passage of time there are photos that we no longer like or photos with people that we no longer even see at this moment, now we want to delete those photos. The question is: how do we delete all those photos?

We are going to explain what you have to do to delete all those photos that you no longer want.

Steps to delete photos from your Instagram account from mobile

As from the mobile, it is the most common way to use this social network , you must follow the steps that we will give you below to delete the photos on Instagram.

Step 1

Enter Instagram from your smartphone.

Step 2

Enter your user profile.

Step 3

When you are in your account , all your data appears, also there are all the photos you have published. Now you are going to locate the photo you want to delete from your publications.

Step 4

With the photo selected, you go to the top right of your screen and press where the three dots are.

Step 5

After pressing a menu opens, that is where you will see “delete” and press there.

Step 7

It appears on the confirmation screen asking, press delete and thus you will delete the photo from your account.

How to delete the photos of your Instagram account from your computer?

Sometimes there are many users who like to access their Instagram account from their computer, now we are going to explain how to delete photos step by step.

Before to have all the functions and even delete photos you have to download an Android emulator for your computer, you can download the latest version of BlueStacks for free for PC.

After you have it downloaded and installed, you go to the Instagram application. Remember all the steps you will do with the emulator from your computer:

Step 1

When you are ready, you will enter your Instagram account from the emulator on your computer.

Step 2

Here you start the section from your computer by entering your data.

Step 3

At this point you go to your profile icon at the bottom left of your screen.

Step 4

Immediately the number of your followers will appear, in addition to those you follow, along with your publications.

Step 5

Within your publication you choose the one you want to delete.

Step 6

When you have it on the screen, you go to the three points that are at the top, right side, press it.

Step 7

You will see some options brands delete.

Step 8

Here it asks you to confirm that, if you want to delete that photo, press delete and you will have the deleted photo.

Now if you want to delete more photos you have to repeat the same process, Instagram does not allow you to delete several photos at the same time. If you want to learn other things about Instagram you can visit this section and find more help.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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