How to create your own language in Telegram

Telegram officially supports 13 of the most basic languages, including Russian. They can be selected in the settings. About 50 more less common ones are available through the efforts of enthusiasts.In addition, it is possible to create your own language pack thanks to the translation platform from the creators of Telegram. It allows you to translate your favorite messenger into one of the local dialects, choosing the most accurate wording for the application interface.

Thus, you can create a funny version for friends with local memes, which will cheer up. Moreover, you don’t have to translate everything from scratch: you just need to take one of the languages ​​as a basis and add only the necessary elements.

How to create your own language in Telegram

  • Go to the translation platform using this link and open your account. Click Login, enter your phone number and click Next.
  • Confirm login by replying to a message from Telegram in the messenger.
  • Click Start Translating.
  • Click Add a new language.
  • Specify a short name for the localization, its name and the native language name. Select one of the base languages ​​on which the translation will be based and click Save language.
  • Now select the version of the application that you want to translate. Since it is different everywhere, the translation will have to be added for each platform.
  • Confirm the action by clicking Start translating.
  • For convenience, all interface text is grouped into categories, and the Untranslated section contains elements that have not yet been translated. Choose one of the categories.
  • Each line is provided with a screenshot and description for clarity. To translate, you need to open them one by one and change the text.
  • Enter the localized version of the text in the Add Translation field and click Submit and Apply.
  • Next, you need to do the same for each line in the remaining categories, and then for applications for different platforms – if you also need their translation.

When everything is ready, return to the main screen (where the platform selection is) and scroll down the page. Here you can add the authors of the translation by clicking Add Translators, change the localization settings (Edit), and also copy the link to the new language. When you click on it or click on Use Telegram in …, the dialog for opening the messenger will start.

Click Open Telegram app.

In Telegram, confirm the change of language by clicking “Change”.Check out the new localization. If everything is done correctly, the names of buttons and interface elements will change.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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