How to Create Your Own Calendar in Adobe IIlustrator –

Each of the programs provided by Adobe allows you to create a wide variety of content: such as images or videos. That’s why Illustrator is the first choice for design projects such as billboards .

How to Create Your Own Calendar in Adobe IIlustrator – Custom and Visual

Therefore, making things like calendars using Adobe Illustrator will not only guarantee a quality final result, but also that you will do it using a very intuitive tool . Also, although you can vectorize images with Photoshop , it is not as simple as doing it in Illustrator.

Index( )

  1. What measurements should a calendar created in Illustrator have?
  2. What are the configurations that I should take into account before starting?
    1. Work tables
    2. CMYK color
  3. How to add text to artboards and start arranging it to your liking?
  4. How can you add a custom background to your calendar?
  5. In what type of format is it recommended to save it?
    1. to print it
    2. If you want to continue modifying it

What measurements should a calendar created in Illustrator have?

Illustrator allows you to choose the file dimensions both in pixels and centimeters or millimeters , so if you don’t want any of the default dimensions (for example a page either horizontally or vertically) we can give it the size we want ourselves.

What are the configurations that I should take into account before starting?

First of all, we must make sure that our computer meets the minimum requirements to use the software. Otherwise we will have a frustrating experience in the elaboration of the calendar.

Work tables

Artboards are useful for separating design spaces and making it easier to develop, print, and print individually . To create them you must assign them when you create a new document and choose their dimensions and layout on the screen.

CMYK color

The CMYK color mode is the one indicated for prints . It is the most recommended to work our calendar because it is also the format used for printing. So our calendar will look good both digitally and in print.

How to add text to artboards and start arranging it to your liking?

To write we only have to click on the text option (the T icon) and create a text box of the dimensions that we prefer. To have a better control of the size of the calendar, you can create a rectangular figure and with a single click on it you will be able to write inside the figure.

If you decide to write using a rectangular figure as a margin (the most recommended), it only remains to make the rows and columns of the days of the week and the days of the month, separating each value of the row with the Tab key and with the Enter key the columns.

Lastly head over to Type > Area Text Options . From here you can modify the size of the rectangle and order the rows and columns of the calendar: we only have to assign the number of rows and columns that we have in the calendar and Illustrator will distribute the dates of the calendar in the rectangle that you prepared.

How can you add a custom background to your calendar?

For this , it is best to use layers : the background must be placed in the first layer of the file and the rest of the content of the calendar must be placed in higher layers.

To create a layer you must go to the layers menu and from there create a new layer . Once the layers are created you can move them by keeping clicking on them. The further back you are in the list, the further back you are in the project.

In what type of format is it recommended to save it?

Depending on what you want to do, one type of file or another will be more convenient for you. Most important of all, keep the original file so you don’t miss the opportunity to make changes if you wish.

to print it

To make prints, the most recommended formats are JPG, PNG and PDF . The first two are image formats and the last one is a fairly simple, print-ready document format. Or you can just print the calendar directly from Illustrator.

If you want to continue modifying it

The most important file to save is the AI ​​format file – this is the native format of Adobe Illustrator files and the one you will use to modify the file whenever you want.

Regardless of whether you want to make changes later or not, it is essential that you save this file or you will lose the ability to make any changes when you save the calendar.

This is the most important thing you need to know to make a calendar with Illustrator. There are many other customization options but these will only make the work unnecessarily more complex, although you can try other features of the program yourself and further customize your calendar, you can also try Illustrator on your Android device .