How to Create or Make My Home Karaoke Using PowerPoint

Karaoke is one of the most fun activities to share with friends and family, or if you need to practice your singing techniques. Therefore, we want you to know that you should not be limited by the options found on YouTube, but that you can get down to work on your own.

How to Create or Make my Home Karaoke Using PowerPoint – Step by Step Tutorial

You will have how to make your Karaoke through an interactive presentation; without the need to be an expert in design, much less have knowledge of music. Just using a computer, PowerPoint, and these tips, you’ll be able to produce a pretty professional result.

Index( )

  1. Key factors to create a home karaoke using the PowerPoint program
  2. Tutorial to make a karaoke at home with PowerPoint easy and fast
    1. 1- Design and content
      1. The bottom
      2. The letter
    2. 2- Music and effects
    3. 3- The final recording

Key factors to create a home karaoke using the PowerPoint program

  1. The track :You’ll need the instrumental sound , which you can get from music download apps; or through Vocals Remover, a free website that makes it possible to remove the vocalist’s voice, obtaining only the track. Also, you will be able to create and master your own track if for unreleased songs.
  2. The letter: Placing in the Google search engine you can easily find the letters you need. However, and if you feel that it is inaccurate, you don’t know how to keep up, or you just don’t get it; music platforms like Spotify offer the reliable lyrics of songs.
  3. Images: The background of the slides is another element that you must prepare previously. We advise you to use images with few distractions and without texts in it that will disperse the attention of the letterthat we want to highlight.

Tutorial to make a karaoke at home with PowerPoint easy and fast

1- Design and content

The bottom

To add it, you can choose from three options: The first is accessed by right-clicking on the white slide; then Background Format > Fill (either solid, gradient, or image and texture) > File (if you’ve chosen the latter). Finally, select the image by clicking on “Insert” to place it; and then “Apply to all” if you want it to be on all slides.

In the case of the second option, you only have to select the “Design” section from the alternatives offered by PowerPoint, choosing from the variety of existing themes and color palettes. The last of these is accessed through the “Insert” section, selecting the “Image” icon, choosing the file you need and adjusting it to your preference.

The letter

Follow these instructions: Insert > New Slide > Two Objects. Here you can attach this format to all the sheets you need, and customize both the font and the size. Then, you will have the possibility to organize the song, placing the title in the initial text box and distributing the content evenly in the boxes; depending on how it should be sung.

2- Music and effects

Go back to the “Insert” section, and apply the recommendations: Multimedia> Audio> Audio on my PC or Android > Select track> Enter> Audio tools> Playback> Play in the background. With this configuration, some marked boxes should appear, which indicate that the music will be on all the slides and will be played until the end.

Customize it as you wish through the “Animations” section , to create the effect of highlighting parts of the song according to the music. You can achieve this in the Animation Panel > Effect Options > After Animation > Animate Text > By Letter; here you must choose the percentage of appearance between phrases. Repeat the above on all the sheets until finished, duplicating the choir slides or where the lyrics are the same.

3- The final recording

This is the most important part: PowerPoint allows you to record a presentation while synchronizing the lyrics and music. What you have to do is evaluate the second in which the vocalist begins to sing and at that moment of the track (when the recording has already started), click to make your animated text appear.

You can find this choice in the “Slide presentation” section ; and then press: Record slide show > Start recording from the beginning > Narrations and laser point > Start recording. The next thing will be to guard each slide, pass it when its time according to the music; and when finished you must press the “esc” key, and save the recording with the intervals.