How to create offers on a Facebook business page

Facebook offers are discounts that are offered on company pages to encourage the customer to buy the products of the online business or in the physical store. These types of promotions are excellent for attracting new customers to the page.

How to create offers on a Facebook business page

Promotions, in addition to attracting new potential customers to your brand with discounts or gifts, allow you to retain the customers you already have. Increase the reach of your brand and incentivize people to try your products.

In the future you can use the data obtained from customers as contact details, to apply marketing strategies. You can even detect your ideal customer type for future campaigns.

The first thing to keep in mind is that offers are only available for company pages. It is not allowed to promote personal profiles. You must have at least 400 likes on your company profile to create the promotion.

Once you have created the offer, you cannot edit or delete it.

Types of offers

Online Offers. It is the type of promotion used for the customer to buy directly on the website or in the online store . The user can save the offer and use it later.

Offers in the store. The user has the possibility to save the offer and use it when visiting the physical store. All Facebook offers are automatically saved in the Offers category.

Create an offer in the ad manager

  • You can access the offers from the Facebook home page. From the Explore options on the left sidebar. Select the Offers option .
  • Then choose the page you want to create the promotion for and click the Create offer button .
  • You can also create the offer from the Fanpage you want to promote. From Ads Manager, choose Traffic , Business Traffic , or Conversions.
  • A new window opens to create the offer, discount or promotion.
  • Place the image of the offer. Select a photo that clearly expresses the promotional product or service you offer. Don’t put images with text .
  • Enter the type of offer and the discount amount.
  • Add the list of items or services that include the discount for your products. You can add up to 30 items .
  • You can add a description of the offer. It is not mandatory, a good attractive title may be more than enough.
  • Put the expiration date and where they can redeem it.
  • Set the unique barcode for the use of the offer. It is not mandatory, but it is useful to have a record of the coupons redeemed.
  • Add the conditions that apply to the offer. For example, if they are online sales, explicitly specify which countries they ship to.
  • Finally, click on the button create offer. While you are creating the offer you can see how the offer will be displayed to Facebook users.
  • If you are still not satisfied with the result or want to add something else, you have the option to save the offer to publish it later.
  • Select the audience, budget, location, and timing of the offer.
  • Click place order.
  • Facebook will evaluate your promotion request and once it approves it will show it to Facebook users, who represent your target audience.
  • If you want to avoid delays in approving your deal announcements, review the Facebook Commerce Policy .

Tips for your offer to be successful on Facebook

  • Create offers with a clear description of what you offer and that has all the attention in the benefit that the user obtains when acquiring it.
  • Add eye-catching photos to offers that are related to the product or service you are promoting.
  • Specific where they can redeem the offer. If it is online or in a physical store to avoid confusion.
  • Date of Expiry. Don’t run promotions that take a long time, because the customer may forget about the product and lose interest.
  • Be clear and concise with the conditions that must be applied for the exchange of the offer.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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