How to create labels from a spreadsheet in LibreOffice Writer?

Label creation is not very common these days, people already use other ways to mark products or jobs. But, that does not mean that it is an effective way to identify emails or postcards. That is why today you will learn how to create labels from a spreadsheet in LibreOffice Writer as simple as opening a Word document without using Microsoft Office.

Thanks to free software, a marvel of an office program was created that many are unaware of for the simple fact that it is not a Microsoft product, but this close cousin is the same or better, having multiple functionalities, among which the ability to create custom labels stands out.

Create labels from a spreadsheet in LibreOffice Writer

Straight to the point and what you came up with as creating labels from a spreadsheet, to start this process you have to run Office Base free , for this you just have to find the program and open it like any other.

Once this is done, a new window called “Database Assistant” will appear, here an option called “Connect with an existing database” will appear, click on it, this will display a new window where you must select “Spreadsheet” .

Once you choose it , click ” Next “, this will bring up another section with the ” Browse ” button, click there, a search box will appear, find your spreadsheet and click on the ” Open ” option to continue and then The option of ” Next ” will appear again, select it.

Here a final section will appear where several options will appear, the most important of which are: “Yes, register the database” which is used for the same thing as its name (registration in Libre Office), and “Open the database for editing ”, Which is used precisely for that, to edit the sheet.

We click the first one and then the ” Finish ” button to proceed to save the spreadsheet with the name we want. With this, you are closer to creating labels from a spreadsheet in LibreOffice Writer, since you will have registered the blade successfully.

Creating the mailing label

When you complete this step perfectly, you will be able to compare two lists or columns in Calc Libre Office with the labels and even set up and print two pages per sheet in Calc LibreOffice.

To start creating labels from a spreadsheet in LibreOffice Writer, you must go to the Libre Office program. Just at the top of the toolbar select ” File “, it will display several options. Stop at the first call ” New “, this will also display several options select the one called ” Tags “.

This will take you to a section where you have to select the database that was registered in the previous step, select the drop-down called “Database” and choose the one you created, then just below you will see another drop-down called ” Table ” here you will choose the sheet where you have your data and you want to place the label.

Also under that same drop-down there is another one called “Database field” , here you will choose the names or fields of the spreadsheet to place them on the label, you can choose many, so every time you have one press the black arrow that you’re looking to the left right there to add.

Then you have to edit the format of the labels, this is done in this same section, in the option ” Brand “, you give it there and then choose your brand. Just below there is another dropdown called “Type” this also edit it to taste.

Read here too!

To continue editing, go to the format tab, which is next to the one you are (labels). Here you can edit the width and height of your label, as well as other things. Once this is achieved, click on ” Save “, the box will appear with the mark and the type that you previously selected, click on ” OK “. And voila, you can create labels from a spreadsheet in LibreOffice Writer, now you just need to place them on the page.


To insert you must click on the tab next to it called ” Options “. Here it gives the option to distribute them in: “Entire page” or “As a single label”. Choose one of these options and click on “New Document”. Finally, the first will place the labels on a single page and the second will place one per page.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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