How to create categories and subcategories in WordPress

There are many people who are massively creating blogs or web pages for the publication of articles of all kinds. And they are using platforms that can be said are fashionable and one of them is WordPress . But when we are in our creative process, we put organization aside. This is why we will explain how to create categories and subcategories in WordPress, easy and fast.

Is that the way you can organize the information contained in your blog or site is very important, one of them is the categories and subcategories . We must create them and in the following article we are going to tell you what you should do so that your site or blog can present a more organized face of the different entries and can be accessed more efficiently.

A category is nothing more than the representation of the main topic in several parts that are precisely detailed. Just as an article can contain different categories, these can in turn contain sub categories. And they are used to keep an orderly structure of the ideas that you want to discuss or expose on the site.

How to create categories and subcategories in WordPress

As you already know, making good use of this platform will depend on the success of your website regardless of the content you can publish. WordPress is a powerful tool and we know very little about it. You could see this in the article how to create different menus on different pages with Conditional Menus.

Now we will go directly to creating categories and subcategories in WordPress and this is going to be done in a very simple way. For this we are going to go to our home page, being there we will go to the Administration Panel . Now you must search and select the Categories option in the Tickets section .

Steps to create categories and subcategories in WordPress

This action will take us to a new page and in it we can see the different categories that exist, as well as the options that allow you to add new categories.

First of all we are going to fill in the Name field , this will be seen from the main menu of your website. If you wish and we recommend it, write all the text in capital letters.

Now we will fill in the second field, in it we are going to write the south which is nothing more than the name of the category in the URL. Everything must be written in lowercase, without adding accents and if there are spaces these must be replaced by hyphens. The next field that we are going to find is where we will add a hierarchy to the category.

But it is optional if you don’t want to put anything in this field, it doesn’t matter and continue with the other fields. Your topic may show you to enter a description, if so you should write what that category is about.

This is the next Description field , but also as in the previous field it is optional and if you don’t write anything here nothing happens.

Once you have finished all these steps you must go to the bottom of the page and click on the Add new category button In the same way you must proceed to add new categories in this section. If you have made a mistake in any of them and you want to delete or edit them, WordPress offers you this option.

On the right side of the Add new category window , the categories you are creating will appear, just by hovering the mouse cursor over them will show you several options. These are Edit, Quick Edit, Delete, View and just click on the option you want to activate. This way you can modify the category without any problem.

In this way we come to the end of this instructive tutorial that became your guide to take you by the hand in the organization of your blog or website. And with simple steps you have been able to know how to create categories and subcategories in WordPress.

In conclusion, by effectively creating categories and subcategories in WordPress, you can greatly improve the organization and user experience of your website. Implementing these best practices will not only enhance navigation but also boost your website’s visibility in search engine results. Take advantage of WordPress’s flexibility and start categorizing your content today to provide your visitors with a seamless browsing experience. Happy organizing!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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