How to create an access point from a Wi-Fi card

Today almost any device allows us to create a Wi-Fi access point to share the internet. But is it possible to do it with Windows ? In this article you will find the answer.

How to Create a WIFI Access Point in Windows 10 to Share Internet

Although the most common is to connect the devices to a router or a Wi-Fi access point, sometimes it does not have the necessary power so that the coverage can cover all the places in the house or place where it is connected.

In these cases, it is advisable to use a repeater or an access point where there is poor coverage. However, if you have a computer connected by cable, it is possible to create a Wi-Fi access point with which you can share the internet from the same computer.

There are several ways to do it. The simplest is to do it directly from the Wi-Fi network. This is done by pressing the connections icon and then pressing the Mobile covered area option.

And if what you want is to configure it, with the right click you can press go to Configuration. There you can choose the name of the network and the password. You can also choose if you will connect via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

From there, the option for other devices to connect directly from your computer will be available. Fast and easy.

How to create an access point from a Wi-Fi card and a network card?

The first thing you should have is a Windows 10 computer connected to the Internet through the Ethernet cable. In addition, a Wi-Fi card is also required to create the access point. Then you need to download and install the WIFI network driver.

For it to be possible to share the computer connection via Wi-Fi, a bridge must be created between the internet, the Ethernet and the two cards.

This is achieved by entering Open network and internet settings , for this you must press the right click on the connections icon. Then, we choose the Ethernet option. Then on changing adapter options.

Once there, you must press the Ethernet option and the Wi-Fi card called Wi-Fi 2 or Wi-Fi 3. Right-click on them and select the Bridged connections option.

Windows will begin the process of configuring and a new connection called Ethernet 3 will appear. Then, it will only be left to create and configure the ad-hoc access point .

What is the ad-hoc access point and how to create it?

The ad-hoc network allows devices on a network to share information with each other and also have access to the internet. When you have this type of network, the central point is eliminated and the computers communicate with each other directly.

With this in mind, to create an ad-hoc access point, you need to use the MS-DOS window. Before, you need to know the interfaces of the Wi-Fi networks connected to your computer. Therefore, you must enter the CMD window.

The CMD window or command prompt allows you to execute codes, it is a very useful command line and to get essential settings of the computer. To run it you just have to press the Windows key + R, type cmd and press enter.

When it has already been executed, we write netsh wlan show drivers and we will see the different cards available on the computer. The Supported Hosted Network option must be set to yes for it to be executed.

Then, in the same MS-DOS window (CMD) we write netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = (Network name) key = (Password). After this, your network will be configured.

It will only remain to enable it. We do this by typing netsh wlan start hostednetwork and voila. We can start using our access point. And if you want to stop its operation sometime, you just have to type netsh wlan stop hostednetwork. If you still do not have Windows activated and you want to know how to activate Windows 10 permanently without programs, you can read this article.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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