How to create a successful investment portfolio

Even in times of crisis like the current one, there are thousands of small and large savers who are committed to creating their own investment portfolio, aspiring to increase their assets. For this reason at TechRules, one of the leading companies in the financial advisory sector, today they show us six essential rules for all those who want to enter this world on the right foot.

  1. Diversify

One of the main keys is to diversify investments to minimize risks and increase growth possibilities.

  1. Invest sequentially.

Invest in time, similar to a pension plan, gradually contributing and eliminating risk

  1. Admit mistakes.

Undo the positions that have been taken when they come to generate a certain limit of losses

  1. Understand that there is no unlimited risk.

When entering a certain position you must know how much you are willing to lose and know the risk. There is no unlimited risk

  1. Be careful with the press and the big headlines.

Big headlines are emotionally charged, and many investors tend to be swayed by the news that appears in the media. You have to be true to your beliefs and instincts and pay attention to the data

  1. Objectivity is very important.

You have to find a management method that adapts to your own needs, and respect it. It is very useful to create a plan and try to follow it, without changing it every day depending on the mood. You have to be objective and not act on impulse

by Abdullah Sam
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