How to create a Progressive Web Application (PWA) from scratch like an expert?

The job as a web application programmer is one of the most sought after jobs today, making it one of the most lucrative online jobs today. Hence the importance that you learn more about application programming thinking in the future to make it your job.

Would you like to learn how to program PWAs? Then you are in the right place since in this article we will teach you everything you need to learn how to do them. Using our guide in a very short time you will be able to be an expert programmer and you will be able to make any Web application.

What is a progressive application and its basic components?

A progressive application is a computer tool programmed using web language such as HTML5 to behave like a mobile application. This allows the user to have the characteristics of this system, such as being able to use it without the need to be connected to the internet.

The main components of progressive applications are 4 the manifest, the Worker services, the icon and the server. Each part is essential for the application to function properly and without them you will not be able to use the App from the search engine. They also have several differences with native Apps

What else is needed?

This point is a bit obvious, but it is worth emphasizing before showing you the steps to follow that you need to have programming knowledge to create the App. If you do not have such knowledge it will be very difficult or even impossible to program the application, but if you know how to program there will be no problem.

As long as you have a basic knowledge of programming in HTML5, CSS or JavaScripts, it will be enough for you to understand the steps that we are going to show you. And if you don’t know, don’t be discouraged, you can learn the basics of programming and return to this article in the future.

How to create a progressive application?

Creating a Progressive Web Application (PWA) involves several steps. Here’s a tabular guide to help you through the process:

Step Description Key Actions
1. Planning Define the purpose and features of your PWA. – Identify target audience.<br>- Determine key features and functionality.
2. Setting Up Prepare your development environment. – Install necessary tools (Node.js, a code editor, etc.).<br>- Choose a framework (React, Angular, Vue, etc.).
3. Development Begin coding your application. – Create a responsive UI.<br>- Implement core features.
4. Service Worker Implement a service worker for offline capabilities. – Write service worker code.<br>- Cache essential assets.
5. Web App Manifest Create a web app manifest. – Define app name, icons, and start URL.<br>- Set display characteristics.
6. Testing Test your application on various devices and browsers. – Use browser dev tools for PWA testing.<br>- Conduct performance and usability testing.
7. Optimization Optimize performance, accessibility, and SEO. – Minimize code.<br>- Ensure accessibility standards.<br>- Optimize for search engines.
8. Deployment Deploy your PWA to a web server. – Choose a hosting solution.<br>- Set up HTTPS.
9. Updating Continuously update and maintain your PWA. – Regularly update content and features.<br>- Monitor performance and user feedback.

Each of these steps is crucial for creating a successful PWA. Remember, PWAs are meant to provide a seamless, app-like experience on the web, combining the best of web and mobile apps.

Let’s start with the guide, this time we will show you with an example so you can better understand how these applications are created We are going to create a weather prediction app so follow the steps very carefully so you don’t make any problems.

Step 1

The first thing you should do is get a server that provides you with meteorological data, such as Dark Sky Api. Just go to its official page, register and request the key so that they provide you with the data for your App.

When you have the key, you should check that everything works correctly and one way to do it is by entering this link “,-73.9732319”. Make sure to enter the key that was provided to you in the link that we gave you in the part where it says “Password Here” and if everything goes well it will give you the forecast for New York.

Step 2

The next thing will be to obtain the code that you are going to use to create the app, for this you will use a repository from Glitch which is a page where programmers exchange information. So go to “” and click on “New Project” and enter the option called “Clone From Git Repo” .

Once you have done that, a pop-up window will appear where you must enter this Web address “”. Once you enter there you will enter the repository where you will have everything you need to work, the first thing you should do is go to the .env file.

Step 3

There you will find a section called DARKSKY_API_KEY = ”Password Here” where you must enter the password you got in the previous step. The next thing you should do is press where it says “Show Your App” to test your application and see if it works correctly.

And basically this way you can create progressive applications, it only remains that you continue programming in this code or create your own. Remember that to avoid failures in the system it is always good to do Audits and we will help you with that.

Do audits with Lightho tools

Lightho is a very useful tool that helps in auditing these types of applications so that it becomes much easier for you to manage errors in the code. You just have to open your project in a new tab, then open Chrome DevTools and go to the audits option to do it.

With that you will be able to see all the programming errors of your application so that you can correct them, so take advantage of this great tool in the best possible way.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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