How to Count or Sum Cells Containing Text

Learn how to count or sum cells containing text in Excel. These easy-to-follow methods will help you streamline your data analysis and save valuable time.

To create a guide in tabular form for counting or summing cells containing text in Excel or a similar spreadsheet application, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify Cells with Text: Use a formula to determine if a cell contains text. The ISTEXT function can be useful here.
  2. Count Cells Containing Text: Use the COUNTIF or COUNTIFS function to count the number of cells that meet certain text criteria.
  3. Sum Cells Based on Text Criteria: If you need to sum values in cells based on adjacent cells containing certain text, use the SUMIF or SUMIFS function.

Here’s how this can be structured in a table:

Action Formula Example Description
Identify Text =ISTEXT(A1) Checks if cell A1 contains text.
Count Cells with Specific Text =COUNTIF(A1:A10, "Text") Counts the number of cells in the range A1 to A10 that contain the word “Text”.
Count Any Text =COUNTIF(A1:A10, "*") Counts the number of cells in the range A1 to A10 that contain any text.
Sum Based on Text in Adjacent Cell =SUMIF(A1:A10, "Text", B1:B10) Sums the values in the range B1 to B10 where the adjacent cell in the range A1 to A10 contains the word “Text”.


  • Replace "Text" with the specific text or criteria you are looking for.
  • Adjust the cell ranges (e.g., A1:A10, B1:B10) to suit your data range.
  • These formulas assume that the cells contain plain text. If cells contain numeric values formatted as text, additional steps might be required to convert them to numbers

Counting Cells Containing Text

To begin, let’s focus on counting cells that contain text. This can be useful in situations where you need to know how many cells in a range or column have text values. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you with the process:

  1. Select the range: Start by selecting the range of cells you want to count. This can be a single column or a range of cells.
  2. Use the COUNTIF function: The COUNTIF function is an excellent tool for counting cells that meet specific criteria. To count cells containing text, use the following formula: =COUNTIF(range,"*"). Replace “range” with the actual range of cells you selected in step 1. The asterisk (*) acts as a wildcard character, indicating any text value.
  3. Press Enter: After entering the formula, press Enter to calculate the count. The result will display the number of cells containing text in the selected range.

Summing Cells Containing Text

In some cases, you may need to sum the values of cells that contain text. This can be a bit trickier since mathematical operations typically apply to numeric values. However, with a simple workaround, you can achieve the desired result. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the range: Begin by selecting the range of cells you want to sum. Ensure that this range contains both text and numeric values.
  2. Use the SUMPRODUCT function: Instead of using the conventional SUM function, which only adds up numeric values, employ the SUMPRODUCT function. This function allows you to perform calculations on both text and numeric values within a range.
  3. Apply a condition: To sum only the cells containing text, utilize the ISNUMBER function in combination with the SUMPRODUCT function. The formula should look like this: =SUMPRODUCT(range,--(ISTEXT(range))). Replace “range” with the actual range of cells you selected in step 1.
  4. Press Enter: After entering the formula, press Enter to calculate the sum. The result will display the sum of cells containing text within the selected range.
by Abdullah Sam
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