How to convert JPEG or PNG to Vector in Photoshop easily?

Learn how to convert JPEG or PNG images to vector format in Photoshop. Follow our step-by-step guide to achieve high-quality vector graphics.

Converting a file that is in JPEG or PNG format to vector in Photoshop is a procedure that never hurts to know, since it is more useful to make changes when you have said element as a vector. In this way, you avoid that the file that interests you loses quality, for example, if you want to zoom in or make some other change.

How to Convert JPEG or PNG to Vector in Photoshop.

Converting JPEG or PNG images to vector format in Adobe Photoshop is a multi-step process. Since Photoshop is primarily a raster-based program, the conversion to vector is not as straightforward as in a vector-based program like Adobe Illustrator. However, it is still possible to achieve a vector-like effect in Photoshop. Here’s a step-by-step guide in a tabular format:

Step Action Description
1 Open Image Open the JPEG or PNG file in Photoshop.
2 Duplicate Layer Duplicate the background layer to preserve the original image.
3 Convert to Grayscale Convert the image to grayscale by going to Image > Mode > Grayscale. This step is optional but helps in simplifying the image for vector conversion.
4 Adjust Contrast Use the Levels or Brightness/Contrast adjustments to increase the contrast of the image. This step is crucial for defining edges more clearly.
5 Use Pen Tool or Brush Tool Use the Pen Tool for sharp edges or the Brush Tool for softer edges to trace over the main features of the image. This step requires manual effort and precision.
6 Create Paths If using the Pen Tool, right-click and select ‘Make Work Path’. Set a tolerance value that suits the image detail.
7 Define Shape Layer Create a new Shape Layer from the Paths panel. This will fill the path with a solid color, which can be adjusted as needed.
8 Refine Edges Go through the image and refine the edges of your paths or shapes for accuracy.
9 Export as EPS or SVG Once satisfied with the vector-like look, you can save the file as an EPS or SVG format for vector use. Go to File > Export > Paths to Illustrator (for EPS) or File > Export As (and choose SVG).

Remember, this process creates a vector-like image in Photoshop, but for true vector graphics, consider using Adobe Illustrator or another vector-based software. The final result in Photoshop may still be limited by the pixel-based nature of the original image.

Before converting to vector in Photoshop

In order to convert any element in JPEG or PNG to vector in Photoshop, you must first know that you will have to handle the areas separately. What does this mean? Not all the details can be converted to a vector file in one go, so you must choose which part or area to convert first, and then repeat the process.

After you have delimited the object in which you will make the change, you will have to open that JPEG or PNG image in Photoshop, to be able to select ” Image “. Now, click on the ” Settings ” and, within these, the option for “Brightness / contrast”, because you will have to increase the latter.

You will proceed making sure that the “Preview” mode is activated, so you can drag the bar indicated for the ” Contrast ” to the right. In this sense, what you are looking for is to separate the object from everything else that surrounds it, in relation to its tonality.

Also, keep in mind that you may need to adjust the brightness as well, but everything will depend on the presentation of the element that you have chosen to convert to vector in Photoshop.

The magic wand and tolerance

The next thing you should do is select the “Magic Wand” in the toolbar , with which you should try to set the tolerance at ” 10 ” and click on the object you are editing.

There are two possible results, in the first case, and if the contrast was sufficient, you will be able to completely select the object, while, if this value was not adequate, other elements will be selected.

If the second result happens to you, you will simply have to lower your tolerance and try again. On the other hand, if you select less of your object, try increasing that value, and if the wand does not work for you, the “Magnetic Lasso” is a great option.

Change the work path

To continue with the process of converting to vector in Photoshop, you have to make a “Work path” from what you have selected.

Just go to the option “Drawing palette”, then to “The window” and, finally to “Access routes”. In this last location you have to choose the mode to perform “Work path” from the selection.

Consequently, it will be necessary for you to export this route and then click on ” Export “. Once this is done, click on “Route to illustrator”.

The next thing you must do is give the file a name, which is the one it will be saved with, and click on ” Accept ” so that the changes and the same element are saved.

In this way, the file will be saved as a vector element in “.Ai” format , that is, a vector file from Adobe Illustrator . Therefore, there will no longer be problems in which programs destined for vector illustration manipulate it, as is the case with Illustrator.

Can I change more objects?

After you have followed all the steps outlined above, you can implement them again, but this time by selecting another area or section of the JPEG or PNG file .

Remember to follow the procedure very carefully so that the results are optimal . Above all, when it comes to contrast, brightness, as well as the subsequent establishment of the tolerance with which you will work. And, the best thing about all this step by step, in addition to its simplicity, is that you can apply it as many times as you want or require.


by Abdullah Sam
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